The mystical things

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Emma's pov
I woke up with the Feeling of missing something. And hurried downstairs to find my favorite book laying on the floor. I took it up and went to the library. When I got there I walked up to the librarian but before I could say something she said.

"What is it Emma? Is it about that boy again? Cause if it is I don't wanna hear it."

"No no Edna it's not him... I'm done reading this book. Has the new delivery come yet?" I asked wondering.

"Tomorrow Emma. Do you want to look at the fantasy books. Maybe you'll find a new exciting book that you didn't see before?" She said even tho she knew I had looked at all the fantasy books a thousand times.

"Well if you ask like that then yes please, I would like to see the books. And maybe there is one I've overlooked". I began walking to the aisle with the books I wanted to read. It's nearly always the same books that sits there, but today something was different. I looked around trying to find out what caused the difference. And there it was. A book I've never seen before in my life. I took it off the aisle and swiped the dust away. "The book of secrets" was standing in large letters on the front page.

I opened it and suddenly it began to lighten up and words began to appear. I quickly got the message of what this book was holding. "All the secrets in the world" I whispered.

I wondered what the other heirs was doing at the moment, and what secrets they might hold...

Nicolas' pov
After my morning bath, I went downstairs to get breakfast. I ate my morning toast, and went to the training grounds to practice.

I met with Noah when getting my favorite sword at the weapon stand. "Hi Noah, what do you wanna train today?" I said. "Just the usual" he replied, while taking his axe from the floor. "I'm gonna start early, just get out when you're ready" he said. "Okay" I said back, knowing why he wanted to start so early. A few months ago he had been in an accident. The process of rehabilitation was long, and Noah was impatient. Every training he starts early to help shorten the process ahead of him. He says it helps, but I can see he lies.

I stood still for a moment thinking about what happened months ago, and I zoned out. And that's when I noticed something off about the weapon stand. A new weapon was there, that never had been there before.

I walked over to the mystery sword, and took it out from the stand. I swung it carefully, and it was like it was made for me. I looked more at the details and found a little sentence on the sword. There stood "The sword of power". For a moment I thought of what power this sword could possess.

Wilma's pov
I opened my eyes, when the sun shined through my window. It was 9 am, and I was ready for adventure.

I went to the front gate and wondered what my adventure was today. And that's when it hit me. And moments later I was on my horse and on my way to the Center border.

On my way I found beautiful flowers, and soft moss. At some point I remembered where I saw the others go into the little house.

I went inside the house and all the flashbacks came back. Where we sat, where we showed our powers and where the arrow came through the window and pierced the floor. But something was out of place. A strange mirror was laying on the table. I was sure I've never seen that mirror before in my life.

I took the mirror from the table, and held it in my hand. I didn't know why but I thought the mirror was special in some way, but when I looked I could only see my reflection. I was about to put it away, but then I saw letters forming in the mirror. "The mirror of beauty" there stood. I wondered what that could mean. "The mirror of beauty". It didn't make any sense at all. I had no idea what to do with this mirror. But i found it special so I took it back home, and put it in my drawer.

Samuels pov
I hurried down the alley, running away from my dad. Today we were at the market holding a speech and just getting outside for a change. My dad thought it would be fun, but I found it boring. So when he looked the other way I ran. I felt kinda bad for leaving him, because she had been excited for today. But this was not how I wanted to spend the day, so I had to.

I came to my favorite place, to think about stuff. It was a beautiful fountain in closed by buildings surrounding the fountain. There was pretty flowers on the side of the buildings. I sat down and took my notebook out from my bag. I looked at what I had to decide today. I went through the things I wrote. Should there be a new bakery in abbey square? Should there be new recruiters at the police station? I thought hard about the questions, and came to the conclusion that my father would deal with it.

I heard some guards talking, so I ran in one of the buildings, and sat under the stairs. I was about to lay down, when I felt something pressing on my back. It was a pen. I went outside of the stairs to get a better look at it. I noticed on the side that a sentence had been wrote. "The pen of intelligence". I thought of what that meant, but I quickly put the pen in my bag and walked home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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