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Scarlett Armstrong

    All that could be heard that sombre evening was my sneakers squeaking because of rubbing against the floors in the halls. It was really late and I  assumed that I was the only student in the school.
I were really angry as I  went to retrieve  stuff from my locker.
Injustice was, once again, accompanying me home. I thought of just going to crash at my best friend's house, till I  remembered that he said he was going on a date who, he was planning to bring home. Normally, I would still go there but I  decided against it seeing as he was going out with that girl and you weren't looking for another confrontation with them.

Earlier that day

The note landed on your desk with a soft thud as you waited for the passer of the note to ask you to pass it on. The guy didn't move and after a few minutes, pure shock graced your features as you realized it was for you.
                 No one had ever so much as asked you to pass a note and now you had been given one. You carefully unfolded the note as your physics teacher mumbled on and on.

   ' Hey girl, meet us at hallway 5. ~ Lola'

You were amazed to see the one and only Lola Rodriguez smile at you from the back of the class.
            She was like, really cool. Like, really cool. People like her did not associate with people like you.
The day passed by quickly as if in anticipation of what was to come.
At exactly the last bell you rushed to hall number five. You waited and waited, after about an hour and a half you were about to give up thinking that she wanted to stand you up from the beginning.
        You sighed softly and you were about to leave till you saw them. The squad .
    Everyone at this school was obsessed with them. They were Lola and Miranda, seniors like you. Brittany, a junior and finally Samantha a sophomore.
"Sorry," said Lola batting her perfect lashes," Samantha had cheer leading practise and we had to wait on her you know how it goes." She said looking at you sincerely.
      "Sure," you mumbled," Umhh... So what did you guys want."
"Okay let's cut to the chase, but let's not do it here. Even though no one hardly uses this hall we wouldn't want someone to decide to pass here today and listen in on our conversation now would we?"
   "Sure, uh... Where do we head to?"
She seemed to think for a bit before pointing to a Janitor's closet.

    " There."
She had already began strutting with her minions following her behind as you ran to catch up.
I wondered how we would all fit into something so cramped till I saw her stop her minions from entering.

"So ... What did you want to talk about ?"
A feral look burned her eyes as she screamed.
"Don't pretend you don't know, bitch!"she spat on my face.
"Your clearly always all over my Kai. Just last weekend I find you on his bed practically begging him to screw you then you come here and act like an innocent little bitch asking me what I wanted to talk about!?"
"It wasn't what you think Lola, we were just hanging out."
" It wasn't what I thought! Sure like I'll just believe that some ugly, poor,  sex starved virgin wouldn't jump at any opportunity you get to fuck around with my man!?That you were just hanging out? Fucking BS."she said grabbing your hair slamming you head on to the wall. She pulled your hair and kicked you before leaving your limp body on the ground.

            "I hope this will teach you to never mess with me again."
Shit, she had locked you in that dusty Janitor's closet. You would have spent the night there if it wasn't for the Janitor finding you as he went to check stocks.


          You decided on just going home, home in being the old beat up shabby , barely standing on its last legs, house you crashed in when you weren't at Kai's. I was  working two jobs a day and four in the summer to earn a little that I  would save up to get my own apartment.
But it wasn't necessary right then.
                 Still it'd be nice to have a nice little decent place of my own now.
          After getting to the house I  quickly changed my clothes and went to mechanical store where I  worked at in the evening.
Business was booming this evening and
I couldn't seem to catch a break.
You came back at around midnight. To say you were beat was an understatement. You had to work overtime two extra hours that you had wasted getting trashed by barbies.
As you were getting closer to you house you saw the shadow of a man.
Your heart beat rapidly in your heart as you realized you couldn't call the police because you don't normally go with you phone to work. Which meant it was in the house.

          As you got closer though, you let out a breath as you saw it was only your best friend Kai. Sighing in relief you ran to him and he picked you up.

            "Hey, what are you doing here Kai. It's late your parents will be worried."
"What about you Scar, you are literally leaving your job at midnight. You're still in highschool, you can't go on like this."he said, making sure you were comfortable before carrying you to his car.

"I'm ok," you told him. "It's you that I'm worried about driving this late isn't safe, besides aren't you supposed to be with some Lola chick in bed, your condom contracting STD's or something?"you playfully jabbed at him.
            "Nah, couldn't stop thinking about you. I just had to make sure you're okay."

"Thanks."you muttered, warmed by your best friend's words.
You stared at him while he drove. He was kinda tall probably 6'2. He didn't look too bulky and muscular, he was more lean and thin.
His hair was jet black and was like silk. He had highlighted red on the tips of his hair.
   You move down his face and saw his ear piercings that you got together when you turned seventeen. You then looked up to his black iris. His eyes were so mysterious. It was like getting lost in a galaxy of untold tales when you gazed into his  eyes. Your eyes run down to his long perfect nose and then your gaze landed on his lips.
                  His lips ...


Those lips.
They were so majestically placed on his face that one mischievous smirk directed to a girl from those lips would make her knees weak and her melt into a puddle as well. You soon went to study his neck before you heard.
"Hey Scar, take a picture it'll last longer."

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