Trust No One

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"I'm Sorry." I say after bumping into someone going about their day. Leaving me to wallow in my own pain.

I feel cold raindrops fall against my face. Wind whooshes down the now empty city streets leaving just me. Alone.

I feel a slight tremor in my body. It's probably around late October now. October 26th. Or it was last time i checked. When was that? How long has it been since I was home?

The rain causes my hair to stick together and against my face.

I'm cold.

I'm hungry.

My feet hurt.

What happened? Home. Where is it?

Why am I alone?

I want to go home.

No...I remember now.

I killed them. My parents. That's what the big man said.

"You did it. It's all your fault. You killed them with your own hands. Don't you remember?" His voice echoes in my mind, sending shivers down my spine.

I can't remember his face, if he even had one to begin with. I just remember his thunderous voice, one husky with an underlying tone of pity. He spoke to me slow, careful to pronounce each word carefully. I didn't listen. I didn't want to listen. I didn't know him yet he just showed up at our house. He watched as my parents died.

He killed them. He must've.

Or was it me? That's what he said right?

I stare into the dark clouds, watch as they slowly pass by, leaving me. They might have their own lives to get back to, too busy to stop to help me. Maybe they're going to work. Some may have families. Some may just not care about someone like me.

"Hey!" I voice snaps me back into reality. My eyes widen as my breath gets caught in my throat? Maybe the clouds do care.

I turn around to be greeted by a group of 4. They're dressed like those heroes in the tv shows. One with long black hair and a black outfit, a scar below his right eye. Another was tall, really tall. He wore blue and had weird bright yellow hair. The others looked pretty bleak. I think one had a fire quirk hence his weird fiery beard. The last just looked like your ordinary citizen.

"Where are your parents? Are you alone?" The boring one says. I look at him confused. Am I alone? That's what it looks like. That's what it feels like.

"I don't know."

"Do you live close by?"

"I don't know?"

"Do you know anything?"

"Can you help me find my way home? It's cold. I'm hungry. My feet hurt." The group exchange a look, one i can't read.

"This is a waste of time. I'm leaving." The fire man says before blasting away. He's weird.

"Endeavor. I still wonder how he got to that number 2 spot." The black haired man says.

"I think we should bring her in for some tests to hopefully find something on her." The normal guy explains before turning to the McDonald's sign haired man. They all exchange a nod before one reaches out his hand for me to take.

What does this mean? Who are they? Can I trust them?"

'Trust no one.'

I freeze. Who said that?

I reach for the man's hand before the words echo in my mind again.

Suddenly, I don't feel cold anymore. A ray of fire shoots from my hand towards the group. 'Trust no one.' It repeats in my mind over and over.

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