Roses & Bows

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As the elevator doors opened, Isis walked over to the receptionist, smiling and waving her delicate hand to her. The receptionist; a women named Leigh-Anne, smiled back at her and chuckled slightly. Isis was always the friendly one around the office. With a height of 5'8, she was considered the child, even the collage students who came to the office regularly thought of her as a little sister. Isis didn't mind though, she was the only child in her family of 3 and she longed wished for a brother or sister as a small child.

"Here Leigh, I brought you some chocolate today!" Isis said stopping by the counter and rummaging through her purse. She felt something stiff and pulled out of her messy bag. She reminded herself to clean it out later if she had some time. Leigh-Anne chuckled again softly and smiled at Isis.

"Thank you Isis! How sweet of you! I'll be saving this for later." Leigh-Anne answered as sweetly as she can, taking the small candy bar from her. Isis grinned and waved a quick goodbye to Leigh-Anne. As she walked towards her boss' office, she could clearly see him leaning his body against the frame.

"Isis, we need to talk." he said slowly to her, turning his body to his office. Isis stopped in her tracks and swiftly went inside his office. Everything in the room was a complete mess, papers scrambled
all over his desk and left over take out wrappers crumpled into and around the small, black, trash bin.

Brian was the kind of man who kept everything tidy and organized, not some stereotypical cave man creature. Even some workers thought something was wrong with him because he acted so cleanly.

"Isis, I have a BIG job for you. It may help your career or destroy it." Mr. Stevens told her seriously. Isis looked at him and saw that there was something in his eyes. What was it? Hatred? Sympathy? Isis didn't know, but what she did know what there was something that she hadn't notice before in Brian's greenish blue eyes.

"Mr. Stevens what is it?" Isis asked with a serious business tone but curiosity was getting ahold of her. Isis was ready to do anything Brian gave her, any job she had previously had worked on was completed perfect, no complaints from the picky brides, or their mother. Isis loved her stressful job, it paid good and it was her dream career from the moment she could talk. During her childhood, Isis and her mother watched many television shows and went to many weddings. She always thought that the gowns were very gorgeous, almost made for a princess or a queen (obviously since it was their special day).

"My cousin is getting married next month, I want you to be in charge of making sure absolutely NOTHING goes wrong." Brian said. Isis widen her bright green eyes at him, wanting to risk her job for this stressful 'mission'. Mr. Stevens looked at her with glee and walked over to her, stretching out his hand when they were in distance. Instead of grabbing Brian's hand Isis pulled the rather tall man into a big hug.

"I'm so sorry! I really didn't mean to I'll-" Isis started pulling away from her boss. Brian just shook his head while having a smile on his face. Isis looked relieved that Mr. Stevens didn't reject her hug or for her fired.

"Its okay Isis. Now you better get the file from my desk before I give it to someone else!" He jokingly said. Isis smiled and nodded at him, bouncing her chocolatey brown curls with every move. She walked up to his messy desk and grabbed he top folder, not wanting to ruin his mess. As she walked out the office, clutching the dark green folder against her chest she heard Mr. Stevens mumbled something about Isis, but since it was unclear as to what he said, she let it go off of her mind.

As she walked towards her office to gather her things to go see the bride she saw Brian leaning against the door frame quietly thinking to himself about something, when all of the sudden,

"Hello Brian!"

The man had a faint English accent mixed into his sentence. His arms outstretched and strode towards Isis' boss and gave him a less business like hug. As the two cousins talked about their lives outside of Brian's office, Isis couldn't help notice how polar opposites the two men were, physically of course.

Brian had a taller and more prouder stand. His hair shorter on the sides and longer on top, sort of like a military haircut. His gleaming greenish blue eyes starting intently at his cousin, soaking in on every facial expression from his cousin. His face was very well kept and had no signs of any facial hairs of the sort.

His cousin, on the other hand had a

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2013 ⏰

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