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Quick disclaimer:

The dialogue for this story is in English because that is the language I am most comfortable in using. However, I am very aware of the language that would typically be spoken by these two characters.

Big thank you to anyone reading this though! Enjoy x1000


"Wake up sleepy head!"

Sae-Byeok groaned, shoving the soft pillow that had earlier cushioned her head into her face and rolled over. Ji-yeong found this awfully amusing and had to utter a quiet giggle to herself as she tugged her stubborn friend awake. This action was met by a lot more irritable groans from Sae-Byeok who rolled a little too dramatically this time and fell straight out of the bed.

She yelped out in alarm, hitting the beige carpet floor with a loud thud. Ji-yeong was in stitches at this point, holding her belly as it began to hurt in the midst of all her chortles.

"Not funny!" Sae-Byeok snarled, her dazed face popping up from over the bedframe. Her black hair was in a mess of knots and frizzled strands and the covers that were once on the bed were now in a heap on the floor beside her.

Ji-yeong sobered up and walked over to where her dejected friend was sitting, offering her a gentle looking hand. Sae-Byeok stared at it for a solid moment, blinking, before taking it into her own.

Ji-yeong hauled her up and smiled. "Try to be more careful next time, ok?"

Sae-Byeok gathered herself, adjusting the white, oversized shirt that was starting to slip off her shoulders before throwing her hair into a quick low ponytail with what was long enough to do so.

She was now starting to notice how beautiful the day was outside, the sun spilling onto the carpet like sweet honey and dancing up the cream coloured walls. Ji-yeong must have been waiting on Sae-Byeok to wake up for quite some time because she was practically swinging off the door handle, visibly antsy to leave the room. 

"You can go. I'll just be a second."

Ji-yeong shook her head. "I wanted to get smoothies with you," she replied simply.

Sae-Byeok smiled. "Smoothies?"

"Well, of course." Ji-yeong strolled over to the bed and flopped onto it, turning on her back with her face pointed toward the ceiling. "We came here for a better life, didn't we?"

Sae-Byeok was busy rummaging through her draws and mumbled a barely audible "mhm" in response, but Ji-yeong didn't mind of her friends distraction at all. "Exactly." She clapped. "Maybe later we can have Mojitos!"

Sae-Byeok turned around—her face was radiant and glowing, probably from all that Jeju Island sun. But she looked healthy, certainly a lot better since their previous escape from the isolated location where they had been put to play a series of unspeakable games against other players, all of them having one main factor in common: financial troubles.

"Sure. Mojitos sound amazing."

Ji-yeong found it wonderful to see her like this and hoped that together they could be happy living a carefree life on the Island. But such a life couldn't possibly be so simple.

"Ready to go?" asked Sae-Byeok who was now wearing a ridiculously large sunhat that shaded her face almost completely.

Ji-yeong laughed. "What's with this?" She tapped on the straw-like material, thinking that her friend looked like a 40 year old mother who was about to take her kids to the beach.

Squid Game // 𝐉𝐄𝐉𝐔 𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃Where stories live. Discover now