part 2 kai'sa training

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Aphelios watches kai'sa practicing on how to bring out her weapons but it would take time on getting use to but kai'sa has to keep training to pull out her melee weapon and her assault weapon

Aphelios: okay kai'sa I think that's enough training for one day or one night I guess okay but the point is that you need to focus to bring out the weapons but you can't do that what's with you lately hum

Kai'sa:I don't know it's just that my memories have faded away but I don't know what to do about it

Aphelios: maybe you should take a break from the training for a while and take stroll if you want to

Kai'sa: yeah maybe I should go for a walk to clear out my head and just think about erasing my memory

Alune: kai'sa If you can remove the old memories maybe they won't get in the way and you'll be focused on your training instead

Kai'sa: Thanks alune  maybe your right if I go for a walk I'll remove my Old memories when I was a little girl

Alune: that is a great idea kai'sa going   out for a walk Will remove the old memories of when you were a little girl will not bother you anymore

Kai'sa kisses aphelios on the lip and she starts to go to for a walk but she leaves the temple and heads out to do some thinking but a few guards is getting in the way for kai'sa to head out

Guard: you can't leave this temple

Kai'sa: hey I'm just going out for a walk to clear my mind

Guard: alright you can go then

The guards clear the way for kai'sa to head out on a walk to clear her mind but she sinced danger ahead so kai'sa runs to see what's going on

Kai'sa:hey what happened here

Guard:I don't know but some guy with a sycth and a lantern came in and attacked us but he's after aphelios

Kai'sa: aphelios i have to tell him okay stay here and get him somewhere safe okay

Guard: okay

Kai'sa rushed to alert aphelios about an enemy that attacked the guards out of nowhere

Aphelios: alune you think kai'sa is taking this alittle to hard

Alune: maybe shes pushing herself to hard


Aphelios:whoa kai'sa easy I thought you were going out for a walk

Kai'sa:I was but something happened I rushed to the guards but One of them was losing blood and wunded he told me that someone with a sycth and a lantern came killed off the guards

Unbound thresh:I think she's taking about me (laughs)hahahahahahaha

Aphelios:so you were the one that killed the guards

Unbound thresh:that is right swiftly and deadly


Aphelios attack thresh but the sycth missing it's catch and aphelios uses his weapons and he shoots at thresh but he deflex the attacks that aphelios throws at him but thresh uses his fist to hit aphelios on the ground and kai'sa watches her friend who is going to die and parish but kai'sa inhales and exhales to focus on her own weapons that she was trying to get out from the beginning and a saber that is dark and monsterus comes out of kai'sa left hand and grabs her void sword from the handle

Kai'sa: whoa yeah I did it hahahahaha I can't believe I got my own weapon out yes haha yes

Alune:my brother aphelios Is in danger kai'sa go save him now

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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aphelios kaisa BY KEVIN ROLLER Where stories live. Discover now