Chapter 7 - Decisions, decisions...

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So it'll now be chapters that are incredibly short, so that I can update more frequently. By 'incredibly' short... I mean literally a few paragraphs. This means I'll update really quickly - minimum if twice a week. This means I can finish it sooner, because this writing is just cringe-y :3

I wrote this like a year and a half ago. When I was just starting out on Wattpad.

I ended up staying late into the night doing the She-Devil's work. Having already done my own (each done on the day set instead of having to do it all last minute like the idiot whose penmanship I was having to forge), I simply looked at mine and re-worded it.

At one point (11:47 pm) I was incredibly tempted to write "I DON'T CARE!" in large letters in red ink, right across the parchment, but I figured that would be enough to get her to tell my father.

Speaking of, I had decided - rather boldly actually - that I would tell my mother. She would undoubtedly tell someone, but would be the more likely of beings in the Manor who would understand. I would send it as a last resort.

But she'd know what to do.

I knew it.

I decided that it was enough of Flower-not's homework for one night when I couldn't lift my eyes wide enough to see so much as the time. If I just drew an ugly scar on my head, I'd be Potty's double.

With that thought, I rolled over and let the sleep consume me.

In the morning I handed the butt-trumpet her homework.

"Now now Drakie... Be more gracious about it. If I'm not convinced you're doing this of your own accord, no one will buy it. And do you know what happens if people don't buy it?" She asked, causing me to gulp and shake my head.

She leant closer to me, and whispered.
"People will ask what dirt I've got on you."

"But you wouldn't-" she giggled, and - with a smile - she replied with 6 words that made my heart stop in it's tracks.

"I'm a sucker for peer pressure."

With that, she giggled again, and skimmed through the pile of parchment.
"History of Magic is missing, along with DADA and potions. You'd better do them quickly." Then, she skipped of.

That's why she's a Slytherin.

The skipping, not so much.

But the blackmail... She was a killer when it came to blackmail.

And I didn't want to be put in a grave just yet.

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