Chapter 1: Cheaters Never Prosper

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I just wanna say that this book was inspired by atinysneeze
Go check out their Star Trek one shots book! Its amazing!! 😊 Thank you so much for inspiring me to write this book and to bounce some Ideas off of you. 😋🙃

Onto the story!


Tanaya walked through the halls of the Star-fleet academy. A seemingly emotionless look on her face yet her eyes were stern. Walking straight with her head high as if she was proud to be in her final year of cadet training.

Tanaya wasn't one to mingle with others unless she had too. Vulcan's were always taught to suppress their emotion, however it always seemed harder for females. She remembered the day she stood before the council of Vulcan ministers. The moment she left the room constantly replayed in her mind.

Tanaya had shown exceptional work in the line of science at the academy on Vulcan. Yet she felt as if her true place wasn't on the ground. It was to fly up in the sky. She remembered walking into the room and feeling the pressure of the ministers wash over her as she stood in the center of the room. She listened as she heard them go over her accomplishments, regarding the Vulcan academy. How she had met more than what was required of her in the science division.

"We see you have also applied to the academy of star-fleet. This is unnecessary as you have been accepted into the Vulcan science academy by recommendation of your instructors."

Tanaya looked up at them. She could feel her blood start to boil. She didn't want to be a scientist. But, she quickly remembered that this was common for Vulcan females. Not getting what they want and being forced to become scientists to satisfy the planet's greater good. Tanaya was tempted to push boundaries. Regardless if that feel for rebellion came from both her human parents. A gust of wind blew against her back. Making the loose fabric that was secure around her neck blow in the wind. Her hair pulled back by an under scarf, secured with a thin sheet of cloth and secured under her chin by a safety pin. Her hair being hidden often made her a target for teasing. The fact that she was human, yet represented Vulcan qualities. This sudden gust of wind somehow calmed her and pressured her to fight for what she wanted.

"Council and ministers, I graciously thank you for your offer and yet I must decline. I do not see myself prospering at the academy. I feel it is better to explore my interests elsewhere. I believe Star-fleet will provide me with said interests and there is no further reason to discuss this matter. I will transfer to Star-fleet academy and therefore be satisfied with my decision."

"Then why did you come before this council today, Tanaya? Was it to satisfy your emotional need to rebel?"

"There is no emotion that needs to be quenched with satisfaction. I merely stand before this council to hear what my options are. However, I must admit that I was doubtful in myself and my abilities to be accepted into the Vulcan science academy." Tanaya stated simply.

"I thank you ministers. For all that you've done. But I must be on my way now. The shuttle for new recruits leaves at 08:00 and I must be aboard." Tanaya held up her hand in salutation.

"Live long and prosper." Tanaya walked out of the room. Feeling a sense of pride wash over her. "Motherf***ers." Tanaya muttered under her breath before opening the door to leave the room.

Tanaya continued trekking down the hall until she reached the auditorium. Cadets had been called to the auditorium for an urgent matter. Tanaya stood in the center-sh of the auditorium. Wearing her signature headscarf. She looked over to her right for a brief moment. Realizing she had unknowingly sat only three spaces from her commander, Spock. 

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