the meeting

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Leila: her
Alex: me

Alex pov

So.. lets just say i woke up peacefully for once... I went to the grocery store again... for once...

At the grocery story i met this... unbelievable pretty girll...

Shes just.. perfect!

I asked if i could get her number she she agreed

Leila pov

Again once waking up.. and running to a grocery store for my mom...happens every week...

At the grocery store...i see a.. beautiful ..girl.. i want her number so bad..
Shes georgus...

We both get eatchothers numbers...step one complete

Normal pov

Back home they texted for a few
weeks every day

My pov:

i finally asked to meet up

And she asked me.out on a date! A date!! Ofc i said yes.the girl of my dreams!

Leila pov

We met up... And i finally buit up the corrage to ask her out...
I was so happy when she actually said yes.

A few months later

We finally moved in together

Life with her is great
I feel like i could talk with her for hours
And hours...

182 words

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