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 Maebelle is a dreamer. She wants to move to New York and become a lawyer. Or she wants to move to Portland and live like she is in Twilight. But mostly she wants to love. But of course, if it were to actually happen, she would want something else. Which is why she continued to dream. 

As she walked on the slow paced downtown street she saw the same thing she sees every day. The gift shop was open, from 10-5 as always, and the coffee shop owner was cleaning leafs off of the sidewalk. She waved to them both as she fumbled for the keys to the store.

 As soon as the doors opened to the little store the warm and cozy feeling took over her body. She began to zone out as she did her tasks for the morning. The butterflies took over her stomach as she thought about what it would be like if her soulmate were to walk in through the shop doors. 

She turned on the open sign and opened the front door despite the cold November air flowing through making her shiver slightly. She pondered how love would be the exact same as it was in every book she had ever read. How one day someone would walk in and the connection would be present immediately. How they would know they were soulmates. She thought about it every day. 

He would walk in one day, a tall man with brown hair and golden eyes. He would look so intimidating she would almost be scared but he would be kind. He would treat her like a princess and always be there for her. She didn't know if they would have kids as they would be content enough with just themselves. 

Everyday she would wait for him to walk through the door, but he never did.

At the age of 19 Maebelle had never had a boyfriend. She often wondered why but she knew that the time just wasn't right. Maebelle was gorgeous as can be and was a kind soul. She was everything s teenage girl was. She had many friends and liked to have fun, but she was still responsible. She'd have her share of crushes from her favorite actor to the boy in her Psychology class, and with each one she would fully convince herself that he was the one. That even if she had never spoken to him, he was somehow exactly what she was looking for. 

But Maebelle was also in college. She was working full time, paying bills, and barely had enough time to shower in the morning. With all this going on, she was able to tell herself that she not only wasn't ready, but she just didn't want a boyfriend. Even if she daydreamed about it. Because that was what is safe; daydreaming. 

And as she continued shuffling through boxes of clothes and continued to dream about her perfect world she heard the sound of footsteps, alerting a customer. As she moved from the back desk she did not expect to so whom she saw. A boy, around her age, standing in the middle of the boutique. 

But Maebelle knew that this wasn't her soulmate. For the first time she knew that this was just some guy. He wasn't what she was looking for. He wasn't ugly by any means, but he was shy, timid almost. He was awkward and looked like he hadn't stepped outside in months, like he was forced to be there. He desperately needed a hair cut and only god knows when the last time he shaved was. But he was kind. He was average. But he wasn't him. 

His name was Arlo, and he was looking for a present. So she helped him, and within 10 minutes they had come up with a great gift for his little sister. He payed and just as fast as he walked in, he left with the cold breeze following him.

And so, Maebelle went back to her dreamland as she sat at the register waiting for him to walk in. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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