Whats happening here...? (Chapter 1)

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Gingerbraves POV:

My head has been hurting all day and I've been feeling so ill... I decided to go home and rest in my cookie house for the night.

"G..Goodnight guys..." I was too tired and was barely able to muster the words from my words. Strawberry cookie noticed me struggling to walk to my house. She threw one of my arms over her shoulder and helped me back to my house. My legs felt like jelly and I just wanted to pass out right there and sleep for an eternity. Once we got back to my house, I laid down and immediately passed out, or at least I think I did. My memory is still really fuzzy. I awoke at around 3am feeling like I was about to die, my vision went blurry and a black substance started pouring out of my mouth. "H..Hel..p..!" I tried desperately to scream for help but nobody could hear me. I ran out of my house will all of my strength that I had but didn't get too far before falling. My once white buttons turned black. I tried to scream for help again, this time getting the attention of raspberry cookie, who was training not too far away. Raspberry picked me up and rushed to Pure Vanilla, the commotion woke up a lot of cookies. I could feel myself slowly going more and more weak.

Raspberry Cookies POV:

I had been practicing when I saw Gingerbrave crawling from the ground, with a mysterious goop pouring out of his mouth.

"Gingerbrave...!" I ran to him and picked him up, Pure Vanilla could heal him up! I ran faster and faster, the goop getting all over me. I could hear houses of the other cookies opening up, I didn't want to be caught in all of the cookies way so I ran even faster. Gingerbrave had gone limp and I was starting to loose hope, suddenly I tripped and fell, turning myself to make sure Gingerbrave wouldn't absorb any damage from me falling. A few cookies came up to me and asked what happened to Gingerbrave. I gave them vague answers then said I had to go find pure vanilla, then got up and ran faster than before when suddenly.. Gingerbrave woke up! But he wasn't himself. I stopped running and put him down gently. He suddenly sprung up and attacked me! I tried to use my sword but to no avail, he ran up and knocked me on the ground. "Back away!" I screamed at him and went to grab my sword. "Hey give that back..!" I was slowly getting weaker and weaker, but I still tried to fight him. A sharp pain formed in my stomach, he had stabbed me. Strawberry jam started to pour out of me, I screamed in agony. "Gingerbrave what happened to you..?!?!" I tried to get a few more words out but to no avail, everything turned pitch black and I ended up passing out.

???? POV:

"Ah, what a lovely day today.." I stepped outside of my house and see huge commotion, and Raspberry cookie on the ground injured. She was turning into ..something else.. it almost looked like Gingerbrave in a way. though it was hard to tell due to how far I was. I walked closer and heard some cookies talking about a possible virus.

"Whats happening here..?"

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