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VOTINGS ! 🔒 locked

    RULE 1 : u can vote for your own trainee.
    RULE 2 : u can only vote for 2 times.
    RULE 3 : you can tag someone there but
    if we only allow you to ! ( this has many
    voting sections , so don't worry ! we will
    inform you after this chapter. )
    RULE 4 : voting like 15x is not counted.
    ( voting system will be like this, ex. vote )
    RULE 5 : this is only available when the
    episodes started.


     RULE 1 : voting for popularity, u can tag
     someone as many as you want. each vote
     will be presented as 80,
     RULE 2 : this will have a deadline , don't
     worry. we will announce it on the next ch.
     ( soon, when we completed all the
     64 trainee's )


      ONE : not a spoiler but , for episode votings are going to be updated so don't worry too much about this. this one, will be you and your picked teammates will perform one of the songs. ( and you will be evaluated by that , and that's the trainee's second ranking and second elimination )

      TWO : the second mission, second ranking, and elimination will be updated when it is started. and that's will be the guide for popularity voting , you can tag anyone for you and your group / teammates. ( i will also explain this alot , when we started it already , i don't want to give to much spoilers 😭 )

    THREE : those eliminated persons , during the missions will be not able to participate and gain screentimes anymore. since the finale is waving , to those eliminated ones will be contacted by me via dm. asking if you would like to enter another applyfic for your trainee ( if ever i maked one, and you transferred to season 2. if you just know what i mean , just like produce 101 trainee's that some of them participated again at produce x101 )

    FOUR : not trying to spoil my storylines but there's a drama in mnet evil editing, and I'll make you guess which episode will be the evil editing , whoever get it right first might be the center if ever for their theme song.

   FIVE : don't mind me publishing this when the slots are still open, and the trainee's are not yet complete. but this show has many things you are not expecting, i have this one storyline to this trainee and scenes so look forward to it ! you will not know who it might be 👀.

   SIX : if ever you have request or something wanted to add in the episodes. ( in short, scenes ) u may comment here in this section six, for me to know and be informed about your scenes. ( if ever u want to have a scene in ur trainee and the other trainee's. u may also comment them here. ) since everything you recommended here / request i might have something in mind cause im too excited to start this yet the trainee's are not completed yet and 1 trainee is not completed with her form. so i can't update it all yet ( just some of them will be updated except for the one trainee ) , but we only have 28 slots left !


     SYSTEM 1 : by voting you can tag anyone, to help you vote for your trainee. u can also vote to your own trainee, as many as u want. but that's only for popularity vote. popularity vote is for how famous ur trainee is during the show , and that's gonna be the overall ranking in the first episode. ( if you watch produce x-101 , u will get it / other produce survival show. )

     SYSTEM 2 : after voting for episode two , for the overall talent, the popularity votes will be revealed as their first ranking , yet after their first ranking the first elimination will begin after their first mission. all you voted for your popularity votes, will be the official votes and places for your trainee's rank. ( so goodluck for that ! )


     AUTHOR ; goodluck trainee's! for your
     future missions, votings , and episodes.
     looking forward to all of you to debut , in
     this applyfic. and thankyou for applying!
     hope you enjoyed your stay and compete
     with the other trainee's , wishing you all the
     best ! <3. oh my, I'm not even a producer
     or something but why i am having my
     speech as your coach or something- lol😭
     anyways hwaiting! 💗💗

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