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It was a regular day in the park.
I'm Angel and I love walks in the park.
and also I was so surprised cause
No boy really walks up to me just to talk to me.
I mean it's pretty obvious that I'm not that popular.
But this boy across me on the bench and he is smiling at me.
Don't get me wrong he is pretty cute.
But he is just staring at me. And it's scary.
So I just looked away, but it's hard to stop looking at him if he keeps staring at me.
I said out loud, Hey, why do you Keep  looking at me?
I'm Jc and I can't help but to look at you, you are a pretty cute girl.
Aww. I say and he notices that I'm blushing a little.
No need to blush, he says while smiling and looking into my eyes.
I would love to take you out sometime.
And your name is?
Oh my name is Angel.
Aww. Cute name.
Well. Angel I would love to take you out sometime.
Would you like to see that movie tonight?
Sure Jc.
I would love to.
Okay, perfect.
Pick you up at 7:45?
Thats fine .
Alright see you later tonight.
Wear something cute as Your face Angel.
I will. I say while smiling at him

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