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This fic is extremely self-indulgent! meaning I did this for comfort. don't come at me if I'm obviously projecting onto the chrs (stimming, crying, overload ect) I know, it's headcannon, and it makes me happy. Stfu.I also hope this makes the fic come off more genuine and heartfelt.
Also maybe eventually the chapters will have creative names .... but not yet ehe

oh ! oh! and I've been doing this forever, but when somethings bolded and its ENA speaking its her yellow voice, and italic is her blue <3

Sencirest apologies, but without further adue- to the fic!


Moony slid open the door ever so slightly, letting a sliver of the light from the living room beam into the pitch-black bedroom, illuminating a small crack of the bed. The large blue-ish purple weighted blanket ENA adored, and a pillow from the couch illuminated into visibility.

Moony peered in for a few moments before calling out into the dark. "I-NA?" In the dark, two iconic eyes made themselves known. Two completely different shapes, but they blinked in sync.

" sowwey...." The eyes in the dark lent Moony a guilty sad look, accompanied by a sniffle. Moony just sighed, opening the door to bring the rest of the room into a light, including ENA— whose mitch-matched eyes squinted against it while her arms pulled the purple blanket closer to her body as it would protect her.

Moony out a deep sigh, "Can I at least come in yet?" Her singular eye looked tired, scratchy almost.

ENA nodded, leaning forward and backward - dropping the blanket to allow her fingers to fidget underneath it, dropping eye contact to stare into the corner.

Moony made her way around... she was still casually grabbing things for extra support when walking, but it'd gotten a lot easier. She sat down on the edge of the messy bed and hunched over with her elbows on her knees. "You ok?"

ENA's mouth hung on stubbornly to the blue of her face side, "nwo..." she curled further in on herself, her head dropping in as well.

"I, look... It's fine and all. I know you can't control it, but you're talking to me now... so," Moony fiddled thumbs, peeking over her shoulder at ENA. "Why?"

ENA's face switched to its monochrome coloration, opening her mouth just slightly - but Moony caught quick to notice and jumped to rephrase and comfort ENA- but much to her surprise less than a second later she'd returned at last to her yellow side. It didn't smile though, rather wrinkling its face, not long after letting out a sigh like a release of airy emotion.

Moony watched, frozen in anticipation of ENA's next move. "Jèna, look,"

ENA scooted against the bed frame, nervously rubbing her blue arm. "No, no. Its - fine. I don't know why- well, I ... I do, but, I don't understand, I don't... I don't quite have my head around why exactly what upsets me upsets me."

Moony scooted closer. "Hey," Moony's voice was more gentle than usual, bringing one leg completely onto the bed to get beside her, "Can, I ask you to elaborate? What do you mean by what upsets you, does, something upset you?" 

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