💖salesman x reader

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👁️👄👁️...I mean like...who doesn't simp for this man? This smexy mf, gotta love him

Also I aheb no idea how I'm gonna do this so just like...👁️👄👁️ Yuh

Requst by: @papi_chulo_legs

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Requst by: @papi_chulo_legs



Update: oops did not mean to post but oh well

"What a drag" I mumbled as I sit on a bench, my fabulous self just miss the bus, I don't even know how, I was on my phone then next thing I know, the bus was right Infront of me but like drove away, feels like I'm in the one scene of SpongeBob, where like SpongeBob tires to get on a bus to go back to the uh place he lived in, but like when he tires to get on the bus the bus literally drives away

I heard movent besides me so I look and saw a handsome man dress fancy while holding a suitcase besides me kinda

"Hello ma'am" the man says "yo" I said "lovely day isn't it?" He said looking around "guess so" I mumbled He turn towards me "would you like to play game with me?" He said

"Oh uhhhhhhhh, a game? Sure" I said siting up, he open his suit case and pulled out two cards thing

One was red and one was blue "you've heard ddakji before right?" He says "totally" I said "would you like to play a few rounds with me?"  The man says "oh sure, just to let you know I'm a pro at this stuff" I said the man chuckled then stand up

"If you win then I give you 100,000 dollars, and if I win you owe me 100,000" the man says, "ooh umm ok so you see I don't have that kind of Money.." I said "then you can pay off with your body"


I rise a brow "ok ok..you gonna have to pay me extra if you wanna do that" I said "this body ain't for free sir, you gonna have to pay 200,000 well actually if we're doing it in public then that 300,000" I said

The salesman's blush "n-no that's not what I mean..I meant..as in like..I slap you" salesman says, "oh..well that's awkward" I said

"Alight then let's go" I said getting up the salesman smiled "which one do you want?" He ask "red" I said the man nod and have me red "thanks bestie" I said taking it "I'll go first" the salesman said, he threw the card down to mine which made it flip"

I pick mine up and did the same, surprisingly I made his flip "YESS look at me goo!!" I said "alight now where's my money at?" I said holding out my hand

The man was suprise but smiled "indeed you did" he said "how about few more round?" He ask "huh? Nah fam that's how people die" I said, the man look confused

I sigh "fine just a few more rounds" I said the man smiled he then pick up his card and threw it on my card making it flip, I pick up mine and did the same but his doesn't flip "shit.." I mumbled, knew I shouldn't have done this

"Damnit, hurry up and get on with it" I said I saw raise a hand I close my eyes when felt a little slap but like a, you know what, I wouldn't even call it a slap, it's more like a uh gentle hit on the face

"...is that what you called a slap? That some weak ass slap" I said "sorry I just don't want to mess up a perfect beautiful face" the man says with a smirk

Oh you sneaky bastard

"Awe thanks" I said, he grab his card and threw it on mine, mine flip then I grab my card and did the same, his flip "hell yeah, does this mean I can't slap you too?" I ask "no you get extra cash" he says "oh how disappointing, your face looks slappable" I said the man chuckled

Where been doing this for awhile "I think that's it for the night" I said the man agreed and pick up the cards, he then grab the cash from his suitcase and hand it to me

Yeah boi

"You know you can play more games like these" he said "is that so?" I said counting the money "yes ma'am" he said as he close the suitcase, he then gave me cards "call me of you want to play these types of games" he said

"Oh, why thank you" I said with a smile the man nod his head, he was about to walk away but then I stop him "hold up, sir do you have a pen that I can borrow?" I ask the man nodded and pulled out a pen from his pocket and hand it to me

I took it then grab his arm and wrote down my number on his arm "give me a call of you ever want to go out on a date or just someone where to hang out if your up for that" I said "also Im keeping this pen" I said putting if in my pocket

The man chuckled "sure will give you a call love" he says "nicknames already? Well then I'll be expecting that call handsome" I said the man smiled and walk on the bus

"What a nice- ....wait a damn minute...DID I JUST MISS THE BUS AGAIN!? BLOODY HELL" I yelled
(・_・;)..part 2 Maybe


Smack my ass like a drum-

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