Chapter one || "Luck?"

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(Ayana's POV)

October 9th 2021

It was a lovely Saturday afternoon, I was sitting in the cafe as I usually do, drinking my coffee and looking at my phone. But little did I know something.. or someone special was coming my way. I looked out the window, to see a mysterious black tall figure in the alleyway, and it looked like it was a female? "Eh-" I shruged it off and went back to drinking my coffee. Later, when I went to leave the cafe I actually saw what the lady looked like. "Holy shit.." I said to myself. I know this whole "love at first sight" thing is cringe but my God that lady was just. The lady looked at me like "what do you want..?" I looked up at the lady not knowing her name. "I.. Just think you look very pretty." She looked back at me. "Oh, my. Well thank you." "A-anytime ma'am-" The lady still looked down at me, it was overwhelming to introduce myself but, its worth the shot. "B-by the way." I say nervously. "Im ayana... and- you are..?" The lady instantly replied to me "The names Ace." Ace, huh. Such a pretty name. I stare at the ground in amazement, almost zoning out. A few minutes later I zoned back in and looked up at her, "d-do you by chance... wanna exchange phone numbers? You seem cool." I said nervously again. "Sure.. I guess." She generally wasn't showing any emotions. We exchanged numbers and I was on my way back home. *timeskip to when ayana gets home* "Woah.. how did I pull that off."

------End Of CH1-----

Authors note: yes Authors note was also inspired by my friend. But the exchanging phone numbers was inspired by my friend too. I am very excited to publish this, please don't be all judgy. I don't like it when people do.

Creds: dr43mn0tf0und

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