Chapter 1: Bruno's Second Chance.

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Bruno sacrificed his life to help giorno, he had ascended into the heavens to face judgement by god himself. he was met with darkness all around him, silence is all he heard. he was not scared to be judged, he was calm for he knew what would happen next, but then he heard a voice within the darkness.

???: Fear not bruno, I am here to tell you this is not your end.

Bruno: What do you mean lord? Won't you judge me and send me to hell for the things  have done?

???: Me and the other gods have heard your prayers and promises to your father, to protect the children of italy and Italy itself, from the corruption and dangers of the mafia and drugs. which you failed and sworn to defeat diavlo.

Bruno looked down in guilt, he had failed his father. he failed his misson. the guilt washed over him like a storm over a city, he started to tear up wich soon turned into a sob. the man who killed many people without a blink of an eye was crying. that was until the voice spoke out once agian.

???: don't fret Bruno, for I will give you a choice.

Bruno stopped crying. he looked up into the darkness.

Bruno: W-what are m-my choices?

???: choice one is to acend to heaven and see your father, choice 2 is to be reincarnated on earth with no memory and the final choice, youll be sent to another world, a world in need of a peacekeeper, a world in need of a Bruno.

Bruno thought of his choices, he could see his father again, but, he was afraid of dissapointing his father. the second choice seemed boring, he wouldnt remeber his misson to help the children. so he made his choice.

Bruno: I'll choose option 3.

???: A wise choice young bruno, you will be sent to the new world with your stand [STICKY FINGERS] and enough money for housing and food.

Bruno was overjoyed.

Bruno: Thank you so much Lord thank you.!

???: Please, call me Write, now GO CLAIM PEACE AMONG MY LAND.

With a flash of light, Bruno was sent to the new world, awaiting his new life.

Bruno's POV

I woke up to the feeling of concrete and the sound of birds. I stand up to see I was laying inside of an alley way. I walk out of the alley way to see my surroundings.

 I walk out of the alley way to see my surroundings

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(imagine it early in the morning)

It was the look of a city block, not many people were out and about for it was only 6:30 am, he walked around to explore. after a couple a minutes he heard a child scream.

Bruno: What was that?!

I ran toward the screaming to see a little girl and a mother cornered by several men weilding crude Weapons such as knives and pipes.

Daily life of a mafia boss. (Bruno Bucciarati/ JOJO PART 5 X Monster Musume)Where stories live. Discover now