Chapter 1 - Annette

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Thank you for looking at my book! I don't update very often because I have a life outside of Wattpad, but I will do my best to keep posting!

I tend to have other ideas during most of my stories, so I start others before I finish the first one. I have a plan for the whole book though so I hope you enjoy reading!

I'd appreciate any comments, votes, and check out my other stories! Thanks for reading my story.


"Here are some of the best crops from this years harvest, Sir." I present Lord Lanslet with a bushel of vegetables from our little farm which he grabs from my tiny, shaking hands. He takes a bite from a carrot and spits it in my face.

"You believe these to be a fair harvest little peasant girl?" I can smell the alcohol in his breath and I take a step back toward the door of the tavern, but he follows me waving the vegetables in my face.

"Is your safety and your home not enough of an incentive to grow me sensible food?" He throws the bushel of vegetables on the ground and stomps on them.

"Sir," I say as boldly as I can, "It is not up to us what food the weather will produce, but only to nurture and harvest the crops that the season provides." As soon as I finish I know that I have only made matters worse.

"How dare you speak to me that way you little twit!" I back out of the door into the streets, planning to run anywhere but here. "I demand better crops if you want to live with my assistance. If I don't get what I ask, you'll be living in these streets." He slaps me hard and I fall to the ground, cupping my cheek. He then kicks my side and with each blast the pain grows.

The kicking suddenly stops and I feel a hand on my back. I look up with blurred vision and it is Prince Nicolas who stands over me. I sit up with my eyesight improving and I see Lanslet hunched over, clutching his gut.

"Are you ok, Miss?" He asks kneeling beside me.

"Your Highness!" I bow the best I can and clutch my side with shots of pain.

"That is not necessary." He tries to helps me up but it hurts to stand straight. He sighs and scoops me up and onto his horse. "I will make sure your crops are delivered to your home," He gets on the saddle in front of me. "But first, you must show me where it is."

"Sir, you must have many more important things to do than assist a peasant." I say hoping he'll remember that he has jousting lessons or a date with a princess and leave me alone.

"My main priority is helping my people." I sigh and point toward a trail through the forest.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" We ride into the woods in silence with me pointing the way to my house.

"What are you doing this far away from the castle, your Highness?" I ask with curiosity.

"Well, I heard this part of Auchendale was nice this time of year." I laugh a little. "What?"

"It just sounds like a typical cover-up for something." I pause and look at him. "Are you in trouble?" I ask without thinking.

"I say, Miss. I met you only minutes ago and yet you ask me such a personal question?" I look away, embarrassed, and he sighs. "No, I was not in trouble. It's just that I never see the people that my father works so hard to protect. I thought that once I got to know what they thought of us, that I might have more of a handle on what to improve when I become king." He stops his horse when we get to a fork in the road and turns to look at me.

"Which leads to your house?" He asks me and I point left. "What does the other lead to?"

I shrug my shoulders. "A few more farms and the Martley's Lake. Why?" I ask him, but he doesn't answer me, and we continue down the path right. "Prince Nicholas, I-" He stops us again and turns to face me.

"We're not in a castle, you can call me Nicolas." We start along the path once more. "What's your name?"

"Annett." I say without much hesitation.

"Lady Annett." He repeats my name so formally, I feel like it doesn't fit me.

"Actually, you can just call me Annett." I say, feeling a bit embarrassed. "I don't deserve such a high title."

We ride down through the forest and turn to a dirt path that leads the way to the lake. His horse stops a ways from the water and Nicolas jumps down. He helps me onto the grass and pulls a small pouch from the the side of the saddle.

As we walk down to the lake I look him over and notice he is blushing, but I decide not to say anything for the better. We sit by the water and my ribs fluster with pain.

"You're just a little bruised." He says examining my ribs. "You'll be fine. And your cheek just needs some time to heal." We sit in silence for a while and I decide I need to leave. If I wasn't home in time Lady Yvette, my mistress, would have my head. I stand up slowly bringing concern to Nicolas' face.

"I'd best be going, your Highness." I say bowing. "I hope we meet again soon." I walk into the forest, carefully stepping through the purple snapdragons that line the forest floor.

"Wait!" Nicolas says stumbling after me through the flowers. He grabs my sleeve. "Let me take you home. It's the least I can do."

"Oh no, it's fine. I'm sure I'll manage." I say and I keep walking and he grabs my dress again. He starts to say something but a triumphant blow of horns signalling royalty interrupt him. He rolls his eyes as Princess Rosaline rides up with knights surrounding her horse. I start to bow but Nicholas puts his hand on my shoulder to stop me.

"Ah, there you are Nicholas. Trying to sneak off again, were you?" Rosaline snickers with a mischievous grin. "What have we here? Have you found me a new maid to replace the last one?" Nicholas and I exchange looks.

"Annette, here-" He starts.

"Would be honored, your highness." I cut in. He looks at me shocked. As if he can't believe I would even consider it.

"Wonderful." She says obviously satisfied. "Well now I can tell father that your escape wasn't a complete waste of time. I'll tell someone to send any family you have of the news." Nicholas stands in shock and Rosaline's horse paces impatiently.

"Your horse, Nicholas. Were not waiting all day." Nicholas glares at her and he walks over to his horse with newfound confidence. "And you can ride with Sir Gavin." Gavin rides forward and holds out a hand to help me up. I jump into the saddle right as Nicholas rides up and she grins at him.

"Lead the way, brother." He rides past her and down the trail at top speed. All the knights follow suit with trumpets sounding.

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