White Coat

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"You care about her, don't you?" Furlan asked Levi who is sitting on the balcony of the Scout Regiment's headquarter.

"If I say I do care, what would you do Furlan?" Levi replied coldly to his friend, but Furlan just gave him a smile because he thinks that he's speaking with a different person.

"Let's finish this fucking job and get her out of that filthy place because we promised her." Levi added and looked at Furlan. He felt ashamed of being easily read by his friend especially his emotion at that time.

"I've always been dreaming of living on the surface with you guys." Furlan said while looking upon the stars. Levi looked up too and smiled a bit because it's only one step forward for that dream.

"Let's go Furlan we have to search for that damn document, kill that blondie unnoticeable and escape here." Levi said and he walk towards the door of the balcony. He is determined to finish this job quickly and clean so there will be no complications while living in the surface city.


Meanwhile, in Stohess District, Luorix walks down the streets of a marketplace carefully and trying to act like she's one of them. Everyone looks at her, but she keeps her calm until she reached that one food store. She's fucking hungry so she bought a piece of bread to fill her stomach she sat on the pavement to eat. She noticed that the bread she's eating is far different from what she has shared with Levi, Furlan and Isabel. Her tears started to fall because aside from she's alone right now, she misses them too.

"I wish I could change the plot of the story." Luorix whispered to herself as she finishes her bread and drink some water.

"Be careful what you wish for.." Said by the man who sat beside Luorix and her face went pale and cold when she saw who it is.

"Ahhh!! Wish Manga!!!" Luorix said and the man who was actually the staff of the Wish Manga where she bought the book that brought her inside the manga. He smiled at her like the first time.

"Ahhh!!! H-how did you get here? How did I get here??" Luorix frantically asking the man. She was so shocked because of his appearance.

"It was your birthday wish, right? Dr. Luorix Chapman? By the way, my name is Charlie and let's say I make everyone's wishes come true." He said and Luorix was really surprised that he knows her birthday.

"Well, Dr. Luorix I just came here to warn you that you cannot change the whole story because it's already written, but what you can do is create your own side story which cannot be seen in the manga but you are allowed to change the ending after its ending." Charlie said while looking at Luorix face and she was like, "The fuck is ending after its ending? The heck it means???".

"Okay? But how do I get out of here? Should I finish the story first?" Luorix asked Charlie because she really wonders about going out of the story.

"Well, technically, yes you need to finish the story, but you have choices at the end." Charlie replied and he smiled at her.

"Choices? What are those choices?" Luorix said.

"Choice number one, you will go back to your real-world at the same time when you got here but all of the memories you had here will be erased. Choice number two, you can stay here but your memories in your real-world will be erased just like you've never been born." Charlie said and those choices made Luorix remember her parents being murdered.

"What about my parents? Will they be alive if I choose to stay here?" Luorix asked Charlie but he stood up and shaken his pants.

"Just remember you have two choices, Dr. Luorix." Charlie replied and smiled at her then he turned his back and started to walk away.

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