Meeting Her

559 30 14

Natsu's POV

I was in my house, packing my bags. I had to go, I didn't want the trip to go to waste, I was quite worried about my motion sickness because I was going to ride a plane. It's a good thing I had Wendy to cast Troia on me, the different thing about this one is, it doesn't wear out for a week or so. I took a deep breath, then I went outside. I locked my door shut, I wish Happy could accompany me but he's quite busy lately.

So I decided not to tell him about this. I walked to the city, then I rode a cab going to the airport. My wait there wasn't so long, I quickly boarded the plane, then I sat down on my designated sit. Before I knew it, I fell asleep. It was a 10 hour trip but I managed to sleep the whole time.

When I arrived there, I noticed a girl sitting on the bench, she had those curly locks in her blonde hair which shone like gold as the rays from the high sun shimmered across it, her eyelids and lower eye hole enhanced by a thin layer of black coloured eyeliner, her cheeks as red as roses in bloom and lusciously tempting lips but her hazelnut tinted eyes were shedding a countless numbers of tears, so I decided to come near her to ask what's wrong.

She was so dangerously gorgeous, even when she's crying. She caught my eye in a flash.

"What's the matter, miss?" I sat down beside her, bringing my luggage along with me. She didn't see me at first. For she was too transfixed in her crying and sobbing.

"You should stop crying. It will spoil your beauty." I whispered, as my lips formed a small smile.

"What do you know? You just met me anyway." She stood up, and she walked away from me. I couldn't let her get away so I followed her, upon noticing this she started to increase her pace.

"I just want to help you." I tried to keep up with her, until we reached a car in the parking lot.

"Are you always like that?" She asked me, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Yeah." I nodded, while panting slightly.

"Get in." She stated clearly, after unlocking her car. I entered quickly at the same time clumsily.

She sat down the driver's seat, throwing her head, while sighing heavily.

"Now, tell me what's been bugging you." I adverted my eyes towards her direction.

"My dad's got a incurable disease, that's been torturing him for months. The doctors said there's nothing else they can do to help him. Now, they're making me choose on what should they do to him. To wait until his heart's stops beating or to simply cut off the life support." The traces of tears were still prominent along her eye region, smudging and scattering her eye make-up on her flushed cheeks.

"Cheer up, let's just hope for the best. I'm sure that your dad won't be happy if he saw you like that." I rubbed her back, in hopes of easing the pain.

"I just feel so useless, I can't do anything for him.." She wiped her tears with some tissue in the glove compartment, while she started the engine of her car.

"Let me drive, you might get into trouble if you do that in your condition." I switched places with her, then we drove off.

"Because of all this commotion, I forgot to even ask you your name." She chuckled softly, as she stared outside the window.

"Natsu, at your service." I kept my eyes on the road, asking also her name.

"It's Lucy." The stop light turned red, causing me to hit the gas. This gave me a chance to look at her beautiful face once more, at this moment our eyes meet for the first time. Even if it was only a second, it felt so different.

After a few minutes of driving, we reached the street going to her house then, her phone rang. She answered immediately, she was so shocked upon she heard that she drop her phone, as tears rushed back into her swollen eyes.

"What happened?" I could feel the tension in the air, my tone became distressed in seeing her cry.

"He's dead.."An ambulance drove pass her car, she told me to follow it, saying that it was the vehicle where her dad was placed. So I tailed along with it. "I knew it.." I was also dragged into the atmosphere, my hands became sweaty, as I drove.

Out of nowhere, A speeding car crashed onto the clueless ambulance. Due to the impact, all of its contents were tossed across the rugged asphalt, including her father's corpse zipped inside a bag. She rushed to his aid, but I stopped her by pulling her hand, telling her that it was too dangerous to go there. Suddenly, the gas from both cars ignited, producing a large blast. We were both there, watching everything going down in flames, she was screaming and crying loudly. I just hugged her tightly, stopping her from going closer into the inferno.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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