The Walts Down

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Recap~ Harry Tried to tell Payton that he knocked her up, but she makes it so difficult.

*Harry's POV.*

We stood there for about 3, minutes staring at each other. Her eyes were beautiful. The way the sun shined right through her blue eyes making them glow. - "Harry we should-" She started. "Go inside, yeh, I know." I finished for her. She smiled. She opened the door and we went in. Every one stared at us. "So erm... What'd you have to tell her.?" Liam asked. "N-nuthing.. I d-dropped her l-lamp..." I said studdering.. I don't really know where that came from. "Ooookay.." Liam said with a confused face. Okay okay I know I have to tell her. When she's in a happy mood.. I mean.. Getting someone pregnant is a two person thing.. She did help. No harry she was drunk. She didn't know what was going on as her innocent self. And do I need to remind you, you stole her innocence. Imagine how her father would react. My guilt is taking over.. I have to tell her soon..
Later that day ..

*Payton's POV.*

I'm at home on my couch. I'm really bored.. After 2 minutes of falling asleep, someone knocked on my door. "I-its Harry. Payton I have to talk to you." I opened the door with confusion written on my face. "Harry -" I said faintly. "Just listen," He dragged me to my couch so both of us can sit. "Look, I've done something terrible.-" "Harry-" "I can't ever believe I've even done such a thing. I'm not this person. Well.. Obviously I am.. But that exactly who I don't want to be. I um.. Look promise me you won't get upset.?" "I ... I promise Harry, just tell me.. You can tell me anything." "Okay.. I um.. I got you p.. Pregnant...." Once he said that.. My world turned upsidedown. Everything was spinning.. My stomach was aching all a sudden. My face felt so green. I'm going to through up. "Remember - you promised.." He said fast. "HARRY YOU GOT ME PREGNANT.!!! WHAT IS MY FATHER GOING TO DO TO ME.?! WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO TO YOU.?! HARRY MY WORLD IS WALTSING DOWN.. AND IM NEVER GONNA GET THIS TIME OF MY LIFE BACK.!!" I yelled with tears rushing down my face. "Payton i-" "Harry go..." I said standing up pointing toward the door, still crying. "Sorry." He said and left out the door.

A/n hey guys... Can you believe all shit going on with our boys.?!? Zayn, Louis, Eleanor, Parrie.. This is to much.. Can we just go back to all the boys being happy.. Not leaving n being heart sore... Our poor babies I hope zayn comes back. N Lou and Eleanor have another chance to be happy. AND NO MORE KISSING OTHER GURLS LOUIS.!!!!!! But seriously.. I hope they feel much better.. All that matters is if they're happy. I love you guys sososo so so much..~ Karly

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