Chapter 1- Kaitlyn

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As I stood staring up at the house I hadn't seen in 4 years, I felt a strange knot of emotions swirling in my gut. I hadn't thought it would be this weird to return to Cambria, CA. After all, I loved it here when I was younger and any place was heaven on earth compared to my hellhole of a house. But for some reason, I could not get rid of the weird churning tornado of emotion balled under my rib cage. I wasn't even sure if it was positive or negative at this point. It was a mix of excitement, anticipation, nerves, and fear.

God, when did I become so emotional? I rolled my eyes at myself before stepping up to the door, pulling my one suitcase with me, knocking on the door and standing back. I heard someone's steps coming toward the door and I held my breath.

The door opened revealing my Aunt Dawn-she's not really my aunt I just call her that, it's a long story-and I breathed a sigh of relief (with maybe some disappointment) but I wasn't sure I was ready to deal with the other residents of this house so early in the morning.

When she saw me Aunt Dawn rushed out the door and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. She pulled back looking at me with watery eyes.

"I didn't know you were getting here so early Katie!"

Yeah, Katie. Geez, it's been so long since anyone called me that it almost brings tears to my eyes. My name is Kaitlyn but Aunt Dawn and her kids call me Katie or Kat sometimes.

"Sorry," I replied. She started shaking her head almost the same second the word formed over my lips.

"No, honey, no. Don't be sorry. We are all so happy to finally have you back." She paused, looking at me like I could disappear at any moment. "I just feel bad for myself because the boys are gonna KILL me when they find out they weren't here when you arrived," she laughs softly.

"Really?" I asked my eyebrows shooting up. I can't hide my surprise because I wasn't sure how the boys would respond to my staying here. I mean sure we were friends (okay best friends) when I was 13 but we're older now and it had been so long. I mean Will is going to be a senior with me but he's 6 months older than me and Jack had to be 19 and in college by now. Wow, that was crazy to even think about.

"Duh," she replies. "You know those boys have been obsessed with you since y'all were 6 years old," she smirks with amusement dancing in her eyes. I've always loved when her Texas accent slips in without her noticing.

"Well, yeah I guess. I mean how could they resist me," I wiggle my eyebrows and joke at her. It's good to know that after 4 years she's still the same happy joker she was when I was 13.

"Oh my gosh Kaitlyn," she exclaims, eyes wide. "We have so much to catch up on but we need to get you in the house." She shakes her head as if just realizing we are still on the porch and reaches for my suitcase.

"It's okay Aunt Dawn, I can carry my own bag," I inject. She frowns then smiles up at me.

"Of course you can. You're all grown up now it's crazy." She sighs, "You kids grow up way too fast. It makes me feel old." Despite what she may think Aunt Dawn is not old. She had Jack at 19 so she's only 38 but she doesn't even look that. So that's what I tell her as we head inside the house.

She laughs and shakes her head but I'm too busy staring at her house to acknowledge it. The house looks the same way I remember but also incredibly different. It makes me sad seeing the evidence of how long I've been away. So I decide focus on the similarities.

The kitchen is the same except the cabinets are a light matte gray and have marble countertops. Her kitchen has always been amazing because she loves cooking and spends her whole life there. It has a super fancy stove and is very open. The living room is also the same. With the flat screen TV and light blue couch, I spent so much time as an 8-year-old on watching Disney Channel shows with WIll and Jack after school. We'd wait for Aunt Dawn to come home so we could all do something together.

That's what I've always loved about the Davis family. They do everything together and are the most loyal people I have ever met. They might fight a lot but when it comes to it they'd die for each other.

It's so true. Jack and Will fight about stupid stuff but their bond is insanely strong. It's the thing I've always wished I had but something I felt a part of when I was with them.

The hallway was the same also and I could see the dent in the wall where I crashed my bike when I was 6 after Will tried to teach me. Why we did it in the house I have no idea but once I got my cast for my sprained wrist that summer it was all worth it.

Geez, there are so many memories wrapped up in this place I could stand here for hours remembering and think it was a few seconds. I already have no idea how long I've been standing here in the doorway but Aunt Dawn is looking at me with a sad smile.

I clear my throat and say, "Sorry there are just so many memories and they're all rushing back. It's overwhelming," I could feel the tears pooling up in my eyes and finally settle on an emotion from earlier. Relief. "I'm just so happy to be back."

Aunt Dawn's eyes well up too but this time they spill over as she scrambles over to me.

"Oh honey," she smiles, "We're so happy to have you back too." She pulls me into another hug but this one is softer and I hug her back. Gladly sinking into the warmth and comfort of her embrace.

Holy crap it's been so long since someone held me like this and it feels amazing. I forgot how much I love her.

"I missed you." I cried. The tears finally escaping which shocked me because I made a pact to never cry. And it was one I'd gotten pretty good at.

"I missed you too Katie, I missed you too." She looked at me with understanding and compassion. But not with the pity that would be on most adult's faces who knew the truth. No, I only saw understanding, love, and the message that she was always here for me no matter what.

"You know I'm always here for you if you need me or want to talk right sweetheart?"

I smile at her thinking about how amazing she is and cursing the universe silently. Why couldn't all moms be this great. "

"I know," I say. "Thank you for... everything," I give her a knowing look and she kisses my forehead.

Aunt Dawn is the only person in the world who knows the truth about my home life and my parents. And I intend to keep it that way.

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