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Donghyuck was strange, to Mark. So many things about him were shrouded in an opaque mist, and yet he spoke of the most interesting things as well. As he sat on the older boy's bed and looked around the room with apparent intrigue, the space's owner eyed him up and down like an officer sizing up a suspect.

"You know," the blonde broke the deafening silence all too easily, "They say you can learn a lot about a person by how they decorate their room. I feel cheated that it's still empty."

"I'm too lazy to do anything yet," the other responded lightly, absentmindedly tapping against the back of the chair he was sitting backwards upon. The rhythm was a little off — perhaps even a bit rushed. Hyuck's ears tuned into this, and he supposed the boy was nervous. His own presence was a cause for concern for a lot of people.

"Imagine you had the time and energy to start it now," he murmured lowly, and those piercing cocoa eyes were quite intimidating...enough so that Mark redirected his gaze to his dark window. "What would you do with it?"

"I'm not sure," the teen started to chew his nail. "Maybe something...lighter? This town is so dark, isn't it? I'm tired of autumn already, and soon enough winter will be here."

"You prefer the summer, then?"

"I guess. The seasons don't usually matter much to me...but this place is just..."

Donghyuck chuckled dryly and stood from the bed, wandering over to his host and leaning over him. The shadow he cast had Mark's breath hitching in his throat, constricting his airways and leaving him stunned. But whatever the hell he was worried about never happened, for the smaller male merely flicked through his maths copybook and elicited small comments about his progress. Regardless of what was being said near his ear, the ravenette couldn't help but stare into space to the far wall while his body stiffened and froze like rigamortis.

"I didn't pin you to be the sort of guy into maths..." the blonde whispered lightly, the faint sound of a page turning resounding behind Mark's back.

"I'm not..."

"These are all correct?"

Why does he smell like blood? The teenager was too busy panicking to properly concoct natural answers in his head. His ear was burning where the other's breath was tickling it, and his chest was tight with emotion. "I study a little. I wanna get out of here, if it wasn't obvious."

"Psh, same." Hyuck finally stepped back again and transferred his weight onto one leg as he stood motionless to study him. "Although the difference between you and me is; I'll never get out of here. You're free to run off whenever the wind is right."

"What does that mean?"

"It means the vast majority of us are permanently doomed to rot here for the rest of our natural lives. Jaemin and Renjun think they're so hot, but when the sun sets and the dawn of a new day approaches, they'll find they're as fucked as the rest of us. My mother went to school here, her father went to school here, and in turn his father went to school here. Get the picture?"

𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now