[WARNING: This is a joke, and it's also written as a joke. So please don't take this seriously. I just wrote this because it's the holidays, lol. I hope y'all have a merry Christmas!!!]
Mavreik aend Gooshe r flyin ien en F-14 Tewmcet, 5 ft. apart cuz theiy're Beth bi. Tehy where trining 2 fend sum MiG-28z but tehy culdn't deund any. Tehy have flewn eocer 5000000 eimsels from Meowimar, end they where en le Erik. They where lust.
Sudbeky, Gooshe sputs something flugn en le sie. Au sorst, he thinks it's e MiG-28, but ie wiandnt. It was aucutllty a UFO beifng pellet by 8 teni raindear.
"Mav, look, an UFO!" Gooshe exiams ashe pents 2 le UFO.
But once Mavoikin swa the 8 raindeer end le read slayhtue, Mavreik kneoq what it weads.
"OH MAH GAWD ITZ ZANTA HEZ REEL!" Maverick wxlrms.
"WAT??!?1?1?1!?1!!??1?1?1?1?" Gooshe xcpelms bbek. "U ghetto b lyen 2 meh, MrOVeiken."
"My by nu I'm not! Cce?! HEZ write en front of men!"
Gooshe looced en fronte ozf hem end relized tmit wao Zenta: Zenta IZ reel ahfgter all. But sudelekwy Gooshe spots somthinf else own Zenta's sliebf. TEHRE R RMISSAISLES ON ZENTA'S SLEIGHT WTF.
Zenta thought Mavoikein and Goodhe were inteuoders, zo he aimed hoaks mmislles at da gay besties end fheyris shes hmissiles at Mavereik end Gooshe wiithwudt watnibg. The misores shrjxk Mavoikin and Gooshe cauiffg their jet 2 xblode end crahg en le attic snow.
"We r geingg 2 dye nuuu!!!" Gooshe krys.
Da plane creshesnd end bursts ien flamres. Mavoikin quickly gets oud ofb the jet enad gtena Gooshe. But Mavreik soenn reliz dat en le firew Gooshe CRACKED hles NLEK and deid enstantly.
"NUUUU GOOSHE Y DID U LEAVE ME SENPAI!" Mmavken crise as ha eholrs Gooshe. Maverick dednt wunt 2 liet ge oz Gooshe, so he deodced 2 welk eroind end try 2 fiend e hositpal.
Beisjfe, F Zenta was flying in tle sukie, hes wrrkship hedn 2 🅱️ round here soniawhere, rite?
SO Mavreik welkfed arubd 2 fief a hosirpal, aend tabn he finaly reches a werkship lienkk da 1 in The Santa Clause Movies. Mavreik welsks en le try favotesy full o shelf's end tteid 2 fend a hospital or nisitng rom or something whatever I hate this lol.
Suddenly, an edl end fawt wichte lady weeded up 2 Mavvrk. Sshesh had beg wwite harieir end a let o rengs en hr fenjins liek Thanos. But Maverick sewwn recognize da wichesms leudyy as YUBABA FROM SPIRITED AWAY WTF end seh smelrished once seh sew Maverick.
"Eey der stoopid hooman get le feek out o mah feaoty," Yuuubaby snarled.
"NUUUU plz I neveed herp," Mavreik bbeoa cringe. "My bi husbando Goodhe is ded end I need en 2 🅱️ revoded haloep~"
Yubaba penord 2 a romm en thje feixtoru wtihbher middle finger. "Werk 4 me end I shall rrevine ur bi husbando," she siadf. "U murt maoke 100 teys bi Cwistmafs or else I win lol kill u."
"Kkk~" Mavreik have Gooshe's benby 2 da old wigch layd and wweldned in2 le twey favtoer. So ifh he mweikes 100 teus b4 Cwisymas Eve, Gooshe will 🅱️ heelsshed end Maveeik will rwtuen heome. BUT if tat dewnst hjappn Maverick and Chooshe will diyue.
Oof skirt skirt Mavreik es in treble~
Mavreik wrlked pver 2 rn wvailiabe wrkship tablle end grabbed a plestc yey hommrt dat totally wasn't stolen from Monokuma~ Mavoik was aburt 2 staatt workidd entil he loked wvrr end reliaed his EX WIFE PENY BOINJIMIN was wrokeing rite netxt 2 jeim. Ssdhe was dapressed adh sshesh banged hhet hommrr on sinme weed.
"Eyo Penty halp I wanna go hhoem..." Mavreik sswrted crignrg.
"NO MI EX BI HUSBANDO Y U UERE NOW I WANNA FEEK U AND ZENTA WITH A CEMDEM?!?!?!??" PENY threatened 2 kelp Mavoikin wrth her honebr until Yoobooboo steoped dem.
"No smexy en mi werkshit," Yubaba zzrepped Peny en her vengina en she stepped.
"Just maek 100 teys b4 Cwistams Eve ened we'll ggey eut o here alev."
End so Mavoikin end hes ex waifu mead datr teys. Day werkek all day end wek lenohg. Tehy we're only fend coolies sew Mavreik hesd mwhe soogw heights. Yes wash fun.
On Ceisnrmas eeve, Mavreik wes beuldinh his leay yey—a tesyy bar. 4 some rwisn he wented 2 geiv hsi leys twussy bar 2 Cceman, hea bi boyfuwbd see heb added a TINY C—K 2 hes fiwnr tesyy bar. Wen he finedh Yubobo aknosnwed it.
"Conwgts u maek 100 teys b4 Cwistmas now I shall heel ur bi husbando end I shall taek u end ur waifu heom."
Yubabaa feel le teys rnd tête-à-tête she didn't even neiwbtice le TINY C—K on le teddy baer. Sshe thpew le yrues en Zenta's sqick of yets, and Zenta appolixuded 2 Maverick and Gooshe (who YUBABA thxfuly resurvecyed) 4 shoring dem weth his mwivles. Den Mavoikin and Gooshe wwent hoem on Zenta's sleifh.
"OMG LUCKY BITCHES I WANT TO FLY IN ZENTA'S SLEIGH WHY DO U GET TO FLY BUT NOT ME?!" Wes le theist tinfg Cceman saaid wenb Mavreik and Gooshe got jome.
"Nnmmah we just gourt lucjt. Alos here's a pwesrent I made u at le weirkship."
Iiclenan ipen len pesnrt only 2 finesd dan teddy bar wejtb le TINY C—K. It was le best ceistmas gift ever Reeeeeeeee
Suddenly YUBABA fell down len cimbey end scemed "MAVERICK I FELT LE PRESENT U R NOT SUPPOSED 2 MAKE INAPPROPRIATE PRESENTS U RETARD!!!!!1!!!!!!!1!1!!!!!!!1!1!!"
But den sshe saiew Ice w/ Maverick end reggrrted eygn.
"Oh u gay??????1??!???1??1?!??1??1?1" YUBABA den held er noshe end flew upppppp le chieny.
"Nvm it's Christmas let's feek my bi husbando thx 4 le bar."
End so Mavreik, Gooshe, and Cceman wwntn inder Mavreik' reen and feeked.
5 muinontes lawtarr Peny Boinjimin comas inder Mavoikin's reem wit hoer new AK-47 and sheets the feek out of Mavreik and Cceman. Sshe den priocneeded 2 sheet de entr ynivarse end every1 ded.
The end.
(Yeah... I kinda gave up towards the end because this was frying the heck out of my brain cells (and this gave me a super bad headache lol) but anyways merry Christmas you Topgunnerds... hope you get what you want :3
Also this was inspired by the "Very Merry Shronkey Christmas Special" in the story "Shronkey Mpreg Fic: The Big Mistake"... go read it it's beautiful lol)
Top Gun oneshots~
FanfictionI know I'm creating a Top Gun story right now but I'm bored so I'll just create this. I'm writing whatever I feel like writing, so I don't know if this will turn out well, but we'll see! I'll also have some oneshots that are related to my Top Gun fa...