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The day started with a meeting, probably one of the things I hate the most. But it was different this time, we had new members arriving. Natasha woke me up but opening my window which let the cold air invade my room.

"Ugh I hate you!" I mumbled but she was already gone.

Tony was already downstairs, waiting for everyone and for once I wasn't that late. He started to talk like he always does and I wasn't really paying attention until she entered the room. She walked up to Tony, brushing past me. Her wavy blonde hair smelled like vanilla and strawberries.

Natasha gave me a mocking look and so did Wanda. I mean... that girl was pretty hot but for some reason I already couldn't stand her. Maybe she was a bit too pretty. Tony ended up his speech by announcing the team for the next mission

"Wanda, Vision, Y/n and Carol" he said shooting me a 'please be nice' look.

"Oh, this is going to be fun" Wanda chuckled sharing an amused look with Natasha.

"Right, fun" I rolled my eyes at them.

"Why does miss Y/l/n sound so disappointed?" mister microwave asked the two redheads.

"Yeah, y/n darling what's annoying you?" Natasha asked me with her usual quite sarcastic tone.

"Right now? The both of you!" I whispered-yelled, playfully hitting Natasha's side.

"Last detail, you'll be staying in a motel. I booked two separate rooms, one for Wanda and Vision and another for Y/n and Carol. Have fun" Tony smiled at us before walking out of the room.

"Great" I mumbled as I got up, left the room and went back upstairs in my bedroom to pack a few things I'd need for this mission.

"Be nice to her" Steve said, appearing in my doorframe out of nowhere.

"Fucking hell Steve! You scared me!" I said throwing a pillow at him.

"Sorry. But I mean it, please try to be nice" he smiled at me. Steve was a very soft and gentle man, that's one of the many things I appreciate about him. He's like a father figure to me now.

"Nice to who?" I asked as if I didn't understand who he was talking about.

"The new one, Carol. Just-"

"If I tell you that I'll be nice will you leave me alone?" I cut him off.

"Y/n this might sound like a joke to you but it's actually really imp-"

"You better stop right now and shut it. When I arrived here, y'all were awful to me so you don't get to tell me how to act, Steve" I snapped at him. We get along fairly well now but it hasn't always been that easy. He disappeared in the hall as fast as he came.

Truth is, becoming an Avengers wasn't as cool as it looked like. When I arrived, I felt like I wasn't welcome there. They were already this big family and I was that broken piece no one cared to fix. Natasha was the first one to feel how painful this situation was for me. I went from spending my days and nights alone to going out and watching movies with Nat.

Shortly after, Wanda arrived in the team and they were all so nice to her which made me sad, mad, even furious at the beginning. Point is, I do not want to be mean to Carol but there's just something about her that I don't like. Wanda came to tell me it was time to go. I grabbed my bad and made my way to the Quinjet, taking my usual seat.

"Is that seat taken?" Carol asked, pointing to the seat right next to mine.

"You can take it if that's the question" I answered without even bothering to look at her.

𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍, Marvel one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now