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"Ah shit! I still can't get it after watching these many YouTube videos and having you explain me. Maths and I were enemies from the start Adele." She slammed her head on the table. "Y/N you know we are in the library right now. You can't have a mental breakdown here." Adele scolded her. "You know what, I can't handle your tantrums anymore, take a break. Study some other subject you want." "I'll study the structure of brain. It's easy since I had biology last year." She looked up to see Adele leaving. "Do whatever you want except statistics, I'll see if I can simplify it even more. See you tomorrow."

It was 3pm, the lectures ended by 1 and y/n had been doing statistics with her friend Adele since then in the library. Thinking about who had the beautiful idea to add statistics in psychology and ruining it, she started flipping her pages to study the structure of brain. Her head turned 180° after hearing a small giggle. 'It's him again!' she thought. "Sorry but seeing you losing your mind over something so basic was hilarious." He was sitting a few seats away from her but because of the silence in the library his whisper was quite clear as if he was talking normally. She gave him a fake smile and proceeded to take out her notebook to take notes till someone knocked her desk, it was him; Again.

"Mr. Moriarty, I think I did a good job at entertaining you right now. Now if you can excuse-"

"If you want, I can help you with statistics right now."

She didn't expect to hear that out of all the things. Her brows coming together to become one.

"I thought you needed help with statistics; if not, then I should-"

She pulled out the chair besides her. "If you can, please."

He took the cue and sat beside her. "Call me William, Mr. Moriarty sounds too formal. So what are you not able to understand?" She told him how she isn't able to understand how to go about it the steps and solve the formulae. He took out his pen and started from the basics. Y/N would ask her doubts here and there and he would answer them simply without any trouble. This went on for 15 minutes. When they were finally done with it, he looked up to see a confused girl going through her notes. 'I thought the explanation was simple and to the point-'

"How can you make this shit of a subject so easy to understand? This was the most easiest and enjoyable way someone had taught me maths in 17 years!" She exclaimed turning to face him,"even my mum wasn't able to teach me this. Are you a genius?" He started laughing at her remarks. Y/N had to remind him that they are still in the library by shaking his shoulders. "Oh you flatter me Y/N. I won't say I'm a genius but I enjoy maths so I guess it helps." He answered with a shrug. She thought for a moment about how the guy beside her was actually a genius, atleast in her eyes. He had transfered to their university this semester. Seemed to have knowledge about everything they were studying and was the most polite student in their class.

She had been one of the top 10 students since her school days but she hadn't come across someone who was intelligent and grounded at the same time. Since she had rivals in her school and college competing against each other, she hadn't met a rival who was willing to actually help her. She had always been turned down by them with their petty excuses except for Adele. But Adele sometimes was not able to explain things in the way Y/N would understand. He was someone who had just joined and was scoring perfect grades in every subject they had. Y/N wasn't someone with perfect grades but people envy her because of her ability to understand things in her own 'weird' way and impress teachers with her confidence to admit her not understanding things without any shame.

"Aren't you afraid that I can score perfect grades if you help me?" He was taken aback with her sudden question. He had always recieved gratitude and sometimes free lunch if someone felt a bit more happy. But this wasn't something he was accustomed to. "Hey, you there" he was taken out from his trance when he saw her hand moving left and right infront of him.

"Ah no! That's least of my concerns. I'm happy that you finally get it. Seeing you in trouble since yesterday was ticking me off. It was so simple that it annoyed me a little bit to be honest." He rubbed his nape timidly as he just called her dumb in a way.

"I know, if only I could've asked you before to help me. I feel dumb now that I have understood it. Sorry for disturbing your study session."

"It's fine. I was done with my studies and was about to leave but I thought I should help out a friend before leaving you know" He gave her a small smile

Friend? They hadn't had a conversation with each other except when it was necessary for class. She was doubting his motives now. 'Why is he calling me his friend?'

He understood the look on her face and answered, "It was you who gave me the notes for literature the time I took a sick leave through Sam, wasn't it?" It clicked! She didn't want him to know that, because she thought he might not accept it knowing that it was from his rival. This man is actually a genius, 100%, a fact.

"I guess my handwriting is quite different from Sam's then. I thought we both had similar handwriting so you wouldn't make out." He stood up with his things and was about to leave. "Similar handwriting. Not the same. I'll take my leave now, I have to submit my sociology project to Mrs. Desai before leaving. Bye!"

She was stunned. She had her suspicion of him being more intelligent than he seems in the lectures and this conversation just made it clear. "Guy is definitely intriguing. The more I observe him the more I fall for him." Yes, she had liked him since the day she first spoke in their psychology lecture. The way he had put up his thoughts together had her interested from the beginning. As the days passed, she started developing this feeling of attachment with a guy she thought wouldn't be as nice as he seems to be; she was waiting for him to remove his mask of goodness. 'Guess I was wrong this time. Wow, I didn't think I'll actually like him until now. I thought it was his intelligence that made me intrigued in him, I mean who can come across someone so interesting like him everyday?'

She took her favourite pastry from the bakery and started to head towards the main gate to leave her university. 'It's that blond head again!' And jogged beside him.

"I thought you left after I went out?"

"I actually zoned out thinking about a few things.." they giggled, until he spots a white box in her hand. "Is that what I think it is?"

She glanced at the box and replied, "Yes sir, it's my favourite white forest cake from our university's lovely bakery!"

"Is that so, I haven't tried that one yet.. should I try it next time?" He questioned her.

She handed the box to him to his surprise and said, "It's actually for you. I thought you had tried it but now you will! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do and thank you for helping me out with statistics."

Giving her a small smile, he said "No worries, you can ask me for help anytime. I hope that we can be friends now."

"I thought we were when you called me your friend back in the library." She shrugged, "Anyways, I'll go now. Have a nice day and thank you for helping me out again William!" waved her hands and with that she left.

He was surprised once again,"She finally called me by my name; and not Mr. Moriarty. You have a knack of surprising me with your antics Y/N." And he left the university gates thinking about how he's now friends with the girl he found intriguing from the first class he attended here.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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