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Dear my lovely readers, people of the internet, and most importantly, my friends,

So I'm not really sure how to do this. If I want to do this. How I'm gonna feel when it's all over. But I might as well, because I owe it to you guys. Because you deserve so much more than I could ever give you.

I think I first started writing on Wattpad in sixth grade. And now, I'm a senior, graduating in a few months, starting a new life and a new story.

It's mind blowing, because sometimes it feels like it's been years since I started my first awful Warrior Cats fanfiction, and sometimes it feels like it's been seconds.

I've grown significantly. As stupid as it seems, this damn app made me a better writer, but also a better person. There were many moments where I feel like if I didn't have you guys, if I didn't have a story I needed to see to completion, I would not have survived. Maybe I'm being dramatic, maybe not. But everything I have I owe to you lovely people, whether you're reading this now, or if you're a distant memory from the past, and we haven't interacted in years.

Writing will forever be a part of my life, but my love for fanfiction has seemed to just die away over time. Especially with as little attention it seems to get nowadays. I'm grateful for everything I have, but it's become such a hassle to write and keep writing day after day with only a margin of the votes and comments I used to get when originally writing my story, when Hamilton and Warrior Cats and Harry Potter was in their prime.

This might not be a permanent goodbye. I may come back one day, start another story, and pick up where I left off. Who knows? It could be next week, next month, next year. I could never come back at all, and this could be the last you ever hear from me? Who genuinely knows?

But I would like to thank you.

For everything you guys have done.

I would not be the same person without any single one of you. I love each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart, and I will never forget the amazing readers and people who helped me get to where I am now. You all are as real as any of the friends I know in real life, and my only regret is that I spent the time to get to know you all better.

I love you guys, and I'm really going to miss you. I'm going to miss all of this. I'm going to miss taking half an hour out of my night every night to write some bullshit story that helps me breathe a little easier, knowing I'm making the world a bit more fuller, a bit more creative.

There have been so many stories I've deleted. So many I've kept. So many that have stayed within my mind and never seen the light of day. But Wattpad and this stupid account has been such a huge part of my life for so long, and I don't know what I'm going to do now without it.

I know it might go against everything we've ever been taught when it comes to sharing personal information on the internet, but I'm sure you could find it if you spent more than ten minutes looking, so I'm going to say it.

My name is Elena Haase.

Currently, I plan to major in biochemistry at a college I have not yet been admitted to (fingers crossed!!) and work as an astrobiologist.

And on the side, I want to keep writing. I want to keep creating. I want to write stories. Published, wonderful stories for the world to consume. YA, fantasy, sci-fi, horror, I want to add to this world.

So, maybe one day, you'll see a book written by me sitting on a shelf in a library, or barnes and nobles. Who knows?

I certainly don't.

I love all of you.

Be safe. Take care of yourselves. Be strong and kind even in the face of adversity. Treat others with respect and don't let anybody disrespect you. I'm going to miss you all so greatly.

But, thank you for everything.

And like I said, I could be back soon. This might not be a permanent goodbye, for if I've learned anything, it's that so few things are permanent.

But for now, goodbye.

Forever yours,



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