Chapter 1

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POV: Noah

I trudge through the muddy feels of the university soccer fields to the tree that overlooks the whole city. As I squint my eyes, I can make out four figures sitting on the roots of the tree, waving at me. As I reach them, they greet me the same way they have for the past five years. "Noah! good to see you, man!" Brad exclaimed.

Liam takes my arm and yanks me down to sit on the floor with them. my eyes adjust to the glaring sun rays hitting my face and I see Finn and...his girlfriend. My face instantly falls at the thought of that brat sitting with us in OUR special spot. Finn's girlfriend, Audrey, is the most annoying person in this city. I hate her because of the countless times she has spread rumors that my dad was a human trafficker. AND PEOPLE ACTUALLY BELIEVED HER BECAUSE SHE WAS POPULAR

"Can you believe it! We finally graduated!" Finn shouted. "No more late-night studying sessions and more girls and drinks!" Liam said. I stayed quiet as Brad, Liam, and Finn talked about their job plans. Audrey sat on Finn's lap, kissing his neck from time to time....bleugh gross. 

"What about you Noah?" Brad asked. "Do you have any job plans?". I had forgotten to tell the news of my new internship. "oh yeah, I got an internship at StokesMedia" I said nonchalantly. Their jaws immediately dropped when they heard the name of the company. I knew they would react this way. When the company called me and said I got the internship, I slammed my phone on my tv and shattered it to pieces. "WHAT," they said in unison. "I said, I. Got. An. Internship. At. Stokes. Media," I said again, slowly, so that their snail minds could understand. Liam took my shoulders and shook them violently saying "WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU TELL US WHEN YOU FIRST CAME HERE!?". 

"I knew you guys would have this reaction, so I tried to avoid saying anything" I replied. "Noah. I'm so proud of you!" Finn said, squealing like a dying seagull. "what's the big deal about it," Audrey said. I swear to god if another single WORD comes out of that bitch's mouth, I'm gonna beat her up. "what's the big deal? WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?! THE BIG DEAL IS THAT STOKESMEDIA IS THE BEST ENGINEERING COMPANY IN THE COUNTRY!" Liam screamed, praising is hands to the sky. 

Audrey rolled her eyes and started licking Finn's ear....again, gross. "Well, we all knew you would accomplish greatness in your life with that smart brain of yours" Brad said. 

We sat together, talking about our future goals until the sun started setting in the crimson sky. "I better get going, I have to wake up early tomorrow morning" I say as I brush the dirt off my pants. "yeah man. hope your internship goes well" they all say. I start walking back through the muddy fields of the soccer field and onto the dim lit streets. 

As I ascend the staircase up to my apartment, a hand clasps my shoulder. I look back to see a old-aged man swaying and pulling me down the staircase. He's drunk, isn't he. I think to myself. 

He pulls me down and crashes me against the wall, trapping me with his hands on both sides of the wall. "you're a pretty fella, aren'y ya" he said drunkenly. I gag at the rotten liquor smell of his breath. 

"Let go of me!" I say, using all my energy to push away the man. 

"You're a boy?!" he shouts a little too loudly. "fucking twink" he says with a disgusting expression painted on his face. 

"I would've taken you right here if it wasn't for your stupid voice!" he exclaimed drunkenly. 

He swings a punch at my face and blood started to rush out of my nose. The man then picks up his beer bottle and makes his way outside. 

I hold a tissue to my nose and quickly run up the stairs to my apartment and making my way into the bathroom. This isn't the first time this has happened to me. I've been through worse than this to be honest. I was harassed at university for the way my body looked. Frail, weak, and thin. And now, I'm still being harassed. great, just great.

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