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Author: Heyo! So this story will be basically a backup story incase I need time to think of ideas for my other stories. So those of you who like my books won't need to wait too log for an update from me. And for all you those who wanted Izuku to be brutal and hurt those who bully him, this fanfic is for you!

Inko sat across from the doctor, her kids waiting outside with a friend.

Inko: Wh-What...? Is that why Izuku seems so... distant lately?

Doctor: I'm afraid so. His Quirk removes all emotion from him. However, we discovered something fascinating from him, his brain functions are steadily maturing at a much faster rate than normal.

Inko: I-Is that good?

Doctor: Well, depends on what you think 'good' means. Izuku will begin to develop some fascinating skills, I'm guessing that Photographic Memory will be the first one.

Inko: How is that possible...?

Doctor: My theory is that with the absence of emotion, Izuku won't have anything inhibit his growth. Children are highly susceptible to outward stimuli and can pick up skills much faster than any adult. Izuku's brain will continue to develop at speeds never known to be possible, even with those that have intelligence based quirks.

The doctor then pulled up a chart and showed Inko what was on it.

Doctor: Your son looked at a picture of a heart for a few minutes. At four years old, he managed to replicate everything he saw on the diagram and copied it down perfectly. I would like to name the quirk, Thoth, named after a God of Intellect.

The doctor then looked to Inko with seriousness in his eyes.

Doctor: Miss Yagi, you must teach Izuku to never harm anyone unless it's in self defence. This matter is heavily important.

Inko: Wh-Why? Izuku wouldn't harm anyone...

Doctor: Maybe he wouldn't before but that isn't true anymore. Izuku here is without emotion, now all actions will be based on logic. He will essentially be like a computer, looking at situations where the best solution is one that is the most effective.

Inko: I-I don't understand...

Doctor: Think about this. If someone comes at you with let's say... a quirk that boosts the power of your kicks. What would you do? What is the most efficient and permanent solution to it?

Inko thought for a moment. A quirk that focuses on kicking power? Well, then the best way for the person to no longer be a problem would be... be... Inko paled.

Inko: Is to... render the legs useless.

The doctor nodded in confirmation.

Doctor: Exactly. Izuku will look at problems that will need permanent solutions. Now do you understand the severity of the situation?

Inko nodded, her hands trembling slightly.

Inko: Wh-What if I teach him to never do those things? C-Could that work?

Doctor: I'm afraid not, Miss Yagi. Izuku will grow up emotionless, his personality will become pragmatic and seek the best solution. The best advice I can offer you is teach Izuku non-lethal ways to subdue people. Izuku is now a sponge and information will become imprinted in his brain forever.

Inko: I-I understand...

Doctor: Remember Miss Yagi, Izuku is still your son and the dormant love he has for you will still be there. Never forget that.

Emotionless BrutalityWhere stories live. Discover now