Chapter 1

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"So, from all I understood, you're telling me that your son Steve screamed and then disappeared." Said the cop. "All we found was purple dust spread all over the room." He continued. " will start an investigation just like you asked." Steve's parents nodded as tears slowly went running down their cheeks. They then left the police station sobbing. Years past and they started to forget about that event. Steve wasn't their first son, there was also Adam. He was 21 when he died. He worked at the Apple in California. It was a stormy night with hard rain falling onto the roofs of each and every single house. A lightning struck the shop, cutting the electricity power and turning off the lights. Two hours later, the lights turned on again and there it was, Adam's body was lying on the floor. The strange thing about the body was that the fingers on his left hand were twitching. Later, they started taking action. They began ripping off his face, and layer by layer, it used the blood that was squirting to write something on his body. It said: The legend of Herobrine is real. People were terrified by the thrilling scene taking place at the store. That case was never solved by the police, not even Homeland Security. "Aah!" Steve shouted. He had woken up in a very big and cozy cottage. It was made of oak wood and stone. It had a chimney and a wardrobe. The main thing that caught his eye was the fact that there were no rooms, but to Steve's opinion, it was better like this. Next to him was a tall dark figure with green eyes. He was making noises similar to a growl, but a soft and friendly one. The figure looked around the house until going to what appeared to be the kitchen. He grabbed some bread and gave it to Steve. "Um...thanks?" He said unsure if the figure was a friend or a foe. He was starving so he ate the bread faster than he would ever imagine. A sudden knocking on the door caught Steve's attention, and in that very moment the figure disappeared, leaving nothing but purple dust all over the bed. Steve walked until the door and asked: "Who is it?". The door had a little window and from it he saw a disgusting creature. He looked like a human, but his skin was like a grayish green, and he was full of cuts everywhere. His jaw was slack and his mouth hanging open. Next to it was a skeleton holding a bow in his right hand and a quill on his back. "May I help you?" He asked. Surprisingly, the skeleton could talk and said: "Well, me and my partner here need some shelter." Steve was still flattered with the fact that the skeleton could talk. Of course you may, why not? He he..." He replied nervously. Steve wasn't sure that letting two creatures come into his house was a good idea, especially when one of them was holding a bow. The two guests kept on walking around the house without saying anything. There was no sound apart from the bones of the skeleton clacking. The black figure came back and in a split second, the heads of both creatures fell on the ground, and so did the bodies. "Why did you kill those creatures?" Asked Steve not knowing if he should've been happy that there would be less danger or sad that he might have killed two innocent creatures, but he was pretty sure that sticking with his first idea was the most ideal. It soon became night and many creatures swarmed all around the house. "Oh no, now they all want to kill us!" He shouted. He turned around and saw the creature nodding as if he were disagreeing. Steve sighed as if he was happy they didn't want to murder him without showing any mercy. Steve then yawned and then threw himself on the bed, immediately falling into a rem sleep. He woke up the next day and saw the figure reading a dusty book. "What is that?" He asked. The figure looked up, and showed him an expression on his face which looked somewhat like a smile. Like if he was happy that Steve woke up. "This house wasn't built by itself, so who built it?" He asked. The figure went at the back of the book and showed him who the author was." Wait a second, there used to be a man named Adam?! But that's my brother!" Exclaimed Steve. He couldn't believe his eyes." Please, do you know where he is?" He asked. The creature said nothing. Steve was confused. He looked carefully and saw a drop of purple fluid running down his cheek. That could've only meant that nothing good happened between him and Adam." Did something happen between you two? Did you know him?" He continued. The figure stopped for a second, took a deep breath, and closed the book. He showed the title to Steve. It said: All the animals and mobs in the Over World, Under Land, and Middle Earth. "What is this supposed to mean?" Asked Steve curiously. The figure then opened the book. As he was flipping the pages, Steve started to worry. When the figure stopped at a page, he turned the book around and Steve then realised how big the situation was. In each page, it would talk about a creature, and there would also be a photo. But in that specific photo, everything was blurry. You could see a creature, a person. The element in that photo which really caught the attention were the eyes. Light came bursting out of them like if there were two light bulbs instead of the eyes. It's name was Herobrine. "The legend of Herobrine is real." Steve repeated in a low voice. He read the description which said: -Have you read everything about the author? You should, or maybe you are already reading about the author. The point I'm trying to make is that Herobrine is actually Adam. That's right! You have no idea how amazing my powers are, and I am planning to rule the world with them. So the advice I'm giving you reader, is that you should start running. Because I will hunt you down.-. There was a long period of silence before Steve could say anything. Then he asked: "You never told me what type of creature you are. So now I ask you, what are you?". The figure flipped the pages and stopped at the page which talked about a creature called 'enderman'. "'re an enderman.". He pointed out. The conversation ended there. A few days later, after Steve came home from hunting, he saw enderman write on a piece of paper. "What is that?" Asked Steve. The enderman turned the paper upside down and wrote: 'It's a prophecy'. Steve was confused. "A prophecy? Let me see that." He said. The creature gave him the piece of paper. He started reading out loud.

Beware all creatures, time hangs by a thread.
The hunters are hunted, white water runs red.
The devil will strike to extinguish the rest.
The hope of the hopeless resides in a quest.

A dimensional warrior, a son of the sun.
He may bring us back light, he may bring us back none.
But gather your neighbors and follow his call,
Or mobs will most surely devour us all.

Two over, two under of ender descent,
Two daggers, two flyers, two silkers assent.
One element beside, one lost up ahead,
And eight will be left when we count up the dead.

The last who will die must decide where he stands.
The fate of the eight is contained in his hands.
So bid him take care, and bid him look where he leaps,
Because life may be death, and death life again reaps.

Don't forget to check out Chapter 2!

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