💧💖ali x reader

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Request by: @kayla_mittens

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Request by: @kayla_mittens

Uh so can you guys like..say the readers gender or something like that when you request something

You don't have too but it will help me a little 👉👈

Also this takes place in when the reader and Ali were in highschool

Y/n and Ali are best friends, a new girl comes to the school and her and Ali are close, they hang out all the time making y/n the third wheel

Ali hangs out with the new girl

Making y/n sad

I guess

They are 16 or 17

I'mma make this sad, cuz..who doesn't like a little sadness in their life eh?

Also I'm making this reader into a male cuz why not


"Y/n don't do this your gonna get in trouble" Ali says as y/n spray paints the teachers room "come on no one will know it was me" y/n says "and besides this is what Mr.Jung gets for messing with my best friend believe it!!" I said as I drawer a dick on his bored while also saying

'suck my dick you bitch'

"Y/n your being dramatic, all he did was give me after school detention" Ali says "just because you bump into him" y/n says "it was my fault....I wasn't watching where I was going" Ali says

I sigh "and my fault cuz I was distracting you, I should've been the one that got detention" y/n says

Ali shook his head "how do you even put up with me? I'm like... always getting you into trouble, geez maybe your mom is right, what if I am an bad influence on you? Wow..." y/n says

"Anyway we should leave before anyone catches us" y/n says, she grabs Ali's hand then runs out of the room and down the hallway to the stairs

The next day y/n was at Ali's house waiting for him in the living room, Ali's. Mother walk in and saw y/n, she made a face "you know...if Ali didn't hang out with you..then maybe he would have be such a good student and catch up with all his work, maybe he wouldn't have to skip classes just to be with you, I don't get what he sees in you, all you are is a trouble maker, an bad influence on my son" she says

Y/n didn't say anything she just him in responds ignoring her 'sorry Ali but your mom's a bitch' y/n thought to herself "alright y/n let's go" Ali says walking downstairs "room ya long enough" y/n says "yeah sorry" Ali says, he hugs his mom then grabs my hand and walks out the House, "it's alright Ali" I say "I'm so lucky to have a friend like you" y/n says "me too" Ali says

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