Because I Love You

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Kishio literally dragged her out of the Knight mansion and pushed her into the car. He asked the driver to drive the hotel and pulls the cover so that the driver can't see what's happening in the passenger seat.

"What is your problem, Mr. Hayashi? Why did you drag me like this? And I remember we don't have any work. I want to enjoy myself there with my new friend." Kim said angrily and he pulled her closer.

"New friend? Gold diggers like you also make friends." His words were enough to earn a slap from her as tears rolled down from her eyes.

"I th... I thought you would at l.. least understand my feelings for you but you're a complete jerk." She said turning her face other side and cried her heart out.

He punched on the seat and looked out of the window. He knew he was messed up this time but he can't lose her at any cost. She was flirting with another man just to make him realize but isn't he dumb? Every time he acted like a stupid jerk.



It has been nearly five months passed since that incident. Kim and Kishio hadn't a word after that fight. Kim was ignoring him like he wasn't existing in her world. She was just doing her work and talked to him every time professionally. Initially, he tried to talk to her but she never looked at him so he gave up and engrossed himself in work.

"Ms. Kim, here are the files. Check out them." He said handing her three files.

"I'll do that. Anything else, sir." She mouthed in a plain voice.

"Nothing. I'm going back to my home. I want you there with these files." He said getting up from the chair and went from there.

She sighs in relief and went back to her. After almost three hours she completed her work and got out of her cabin. She took the elevator and pressed the ground floor button. She got out of the elevator and walked out of the building then got into her car. She drove toward his house while thinking about how to faces him again. Soon she reached there and comes out of the car.

"Alright, you just have to give these fucking files to him." She mutters grabbing the files and walked to the main door.

She pressed the doorbell and waited for him to open it. The door cracked open and her eyes went wide seeing a blonde girl in a shirt.

"Who are you and what are you doing at late night?" That blonde asked confusingly.

Kim felt betrayed and broken as she noticed her swollen lips, messy hair, hickeys on her neck and chest.

"Excuse me?" That blonde called her and she come back to sense.

"I... here. Give it to Mr. Hayashi." She said controlling her tears and ran from there.

She closed the door and put files on the table. She felt a hand around her waist and smiled.

"Who's there?" He asked opening her shirt's button.

"I don't know. She gave me files to give your brother. Where is he?" She asked turning toward him.

"Kishio went to our hometown, Japan." He replied kissing her lips and took her in his arms.

On another hand, Kim stopped the car and tears rolled down from her eyes which she was trying to control for the past few minutes. Why she can't move on like him?


Two Days Later

She typed her resignation letter and took out a copy. She took the copy and walked into his cabin but found it empty. She decided to submit it later and went back into her cabin. It has been two days she had no idea where is he. Usually, he informs if he goes out of the country but then again he might be busy with his blonde girlfriend. She has nothing to do as he wasn't here to order her around. She packed her stuff and decided to leave from there. He permitted her to leave the cabin unless he wasn't around her and she doesn't have anything to do.

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