The night of the Demons

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Y/N's POV:
You were walking through the city, it was dark and no one was around.
(Ive never seen the city so empty before) You said to yourself as You kept walking
After a while you saw this man in a suit he was holding a bag and You walked over to help him.
" Excuse me sir do you need any help with those?" You asked facing the man
"Oh yes, thank you" the man said with a smile on his face
The two of you had bin walking for a while and you were starting to wonder where this man lived, you had never seen him before in this city. You suddenly felt a sharp pain in your neck.
" dammit I gave her to much!" Is all you heard before everything went dark.

~2 years later~

You had bin a demon for about two years now and it took some time adjusting to it, you had become the "Assassin Demon" you looked a lot like a human except for your teeth, ears and your eyes. You had a demon blood art called "Conjure", you could make any demon-like creature from your imagination come to life. You never really had to use it but your favorite was definitely your Wendigo *A Wendigo is a deer with a man like body and a deer scull head, they are also cannibals* yours only eats when you told it to. It's like it doesn't need to eat but it will if you allow it to, it will eat demons or humans because it is half demon and half human.
You were walking through the forest until you saw a demon girl being chased by a Demon Slayer, you ran after them and stoped when you saw that the demon girl was on the ground about to get her head cut off.
(Oh crap!) you thought to yourself as you ran to the girl jumping in front of her
" Hey kid get out of the way of that demon" the slayer said to you assuming you were a human
You looked at the slayer then at the demon girl then back at the slayer again, you opened your hands slowly and closed your eyes, your breath slowed down as your hands went above your head. Your right hand swung down to the bottom half of what seemed to be a circle of blood with a symbol in it. Your hands were dripping in blood, but not the kind demons would want to eat this blood had a horrible smell to it and tasted like crap.
" I call upon you WENDIGO!" You called out
Your eyes opened as a bright red and you smacked your hands together in a vertical motion. All of the sudden a giant monster came up from the ground, as the giant Wendigo stood behind you, red eyes peering down at the now terrified Demon Slayer.
"Now we can ether do this the easy way or the hard way" you said lust sone into your words.
"Y-y-your a d-demon!" The slayer yelled
"Are you going to answer my question?" You asked the shaking Demon Slayer
The Slayer started to charge at you sword in hand ready to cut off your head.
"Well I guess we're doing this the hard way" you said rolling your eyes and shaking your head, as the demon slayer ran to you he froze he couldn't move at all. He looked up to you to see that you were painting at him with your head tilted to the side.
"Go" you said still pointing at the Demon Slayer
The Wendigo looked at you and looked back at the Slayer and shock his head, he walked over to the Demon Slayer.
"HEY NO WAIT STAY AWAY FROM ME!" The Slayer yelled
There was continuous yelling until you heard a loud crack and the yelling went silent. The Demon slayer was dead his neck snapped. Your Wendigo walked back to you hardly any blood on his hand, You watch as he licked the blood off of his claw like hand with his long tongue. You looked back to see the demon girl sitting there with tires in her eyes, you walked over to her and needles down in front of her. You put your hand to her cheek.
"I don't know why I saved you, so you can stop thinking about asking" you said to her "Does he scare you?" You asked looking her in the eyes
The demon girl didn't answer, you stood up and had your Wendigo go back to the depths of were ever he came from.
"I'll be off then" you said looking back at the girl
"W-wait!" The girl said
The girl looked up at you but you were gone

~1 hour later~

You were walking through the woods once more when you head a voice.
"So...your the one that saved my sister" the voice said
You looked up to see a demon boy who looked fairly similar to the demon girl from earlier.
"Yes I am, why do you ask? And did you say s-...sister..." you asked
The boy stepped down from the web he had bin standing on.
"I saw your power, it is quite something I must say" the boy said
"You think!?" You said with surprise that someone else thought you were interesting, And a demon nun the less
The demon boy looked at you
"How about this, why don't you come live with me and my family?" The boy said
"Be part of your family? Sorry but I don't even know you" you said looking at the boy confused
"Oh I see, we'll my name is Rui one of the Twelve Ceazukys or in other words the Spider Demon" Rui said to you
"Did you say spider demon?" You asked with a slight blush
"Yes" he answered
You thought about this for a moment wondering if there was any catch to this, You
glanced up at Rui only to see that he was making spider webs with his...fingers!? Rui didn't even realize that you were watching him make the webs.
"Alright I'll go with you" you said still looking at the Web's in his hands
Rui just looked at you and gave you his hand, you grabbed it and to your surprise it was warm. You and Rui hand bin walking for a while when you stopped making Rui stop as well cents he was holding your hand still, Rui had to look in the same detection as you to figure out see why you had stoped. You were looking at large spider webs not just any spider webs his spider webs. After a few miners of you looking at the moon light sparkling off the webs Rui nudged you along the forest once agin, you and Rui came up to this house then all of these other demons showed up at the front porch. A large man with a spider face, a beautiful woman with long white hair, a large spider with a hard of a boy, and... that girl you saved.
"Everyone this is the news member of are family" Rui said to them all as he took you inside.

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