Its hard, so hard....
seeing him with another girl
crying, y/n cries
cries again
this boy,,, so hot, makes me sad, his fluffy hair, his dimples, his big blue eyes, he drives me crazyyyy, makes me wanna cry, well, ofc, y/n says hes with another girl, jess, the idiot, blondie, basic, ass, perffect, so sport, one of the boyys, tears run through my eyes, into my anus, up into ,my eyes, big small, sad,
crying, im crying, boohers into my nose, i walk away to band, im such a nerd, band class everyday, i play with those bands alot, no one likes a band girl, anways, i cry, and pray to my fake god i made in my dream, hes name is gersidus, he likes elepnnts, and nature, bc im an air sign, i also like cake, vanilla cake, so plain like me, a baisc vanilla girl, vanilla everywehre, oin the bed, in the class, im such a nerd, no one likes me, i run to the batheroom, and cry on the toiler seat, eating my ham, and beat hard meat chili, im so mexicam totialrs asre my fav, aneaywasm im so sad, o no, yn seens a girl walk in a see her squating on toliet with hr vaygay gay out, wow, girls are ugly
more for tmrw) or next week) coment ur thots)