I was only 8

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I was only 8, they kicked me out of the house, told me I was a waste of space.

Hi my name, is Ryan, and this, this is my fucked up story.

I walked down the street with only two pairs of cloths, some money, and my passports and papers. I walk over to my last resort, all my friends have left me, everyone thinks I'm weird.

I walk up the steps, it's past midnight if I'm telling the moon's position right, I rung the doorbell and wait. After a few minutes the door opens and a man stands there.

Ryan? Wat are you doing here? Why aren't you at home with your family?

...Mr.Smith,....they kicked me out. Can I stay with you for a while.

Of course you can!, Quickly come in.

I go in quickly and sit down, my friend come out and gives me hot chocolate and prepares a warm bath for me. After my bath I fall asleep with my friend, Me on top of his chest and him with his arms around me.

Ive been with the Smith family for 8 years, I'm now 16, and me and my friend, Jake are now high  schoolers and it's been a pain, but they have many clubs. I look threw the list of clubs and see a particular club, Boxing club.

I walk to the far east classes where the boxing club is supposed to be. I walk into a room and ask if this is the boxing clubs room. A guy with blond hair, and green eyes said yes and that he was club leader. Issac showed me around and I chatted with them, Issac was hot, same with Arron, he had black hair and beautiful brown eyes his skin was tan too.

From a young age Ive known I'm gay, I came out recently to the Smith family and they love me the same.

Um, how do I join the club? I asked Issac when they were about to leave and head home.

Oh! Here, sign these and your good to go! He hands me a paper, and points out things then we head home.
On my way back I stop by the store and buy some ingredients we didn't have at home. I arrive at home and put the things away then start cooking. I don't have to cook, but I learned that I quiet like to cook and find it fun.

In my head, when I cook I pretend I'm making a potion like a wizard! Childish I know, but the world has been tryin to make me grow up from a young age, I still believe peter pan will find me and take me away, but I'll never admit it.

I finish dinner and head to my shared room. I get ready for bed and sleep.

I wake up to the sound of.... panting?... I quietly turn around and see Jake facing the wall curled up under his blanket. Right when I'm about to ask him if he's ok... I hear a moan....... I shut up and quietly but quickly put the pillow over my head and pretend I didn't hear anything. I soon fall asleep again, and semi wake up when I feel the side of my bed dip,

Mm...Jake,... wat do you want... I'm trying to sleep....

Nothing, go back to sleep, I can feel his body press against me as he climbs in bed with me but I'm to tired to do anything.

The next morning I wake up and Jake isn't anywhere near. I get dressed and go to school, still trying to figure out where he's at.

During lunch I find Jake surrounded by many girls, but a certain one was sitting in his lap. I don't know why but it bothered me. Hey Jake, you didn't wait for me this morning...

Oh yea, I walked with my gf. This is Britney, my girlfriend.

I just nod then head to the roof top to eat my lunch alone already knowing that he wasn't going to eat with me either. I unpack my lunch and slowly eat, eating alone made food taste....bland. In the end I didn't finish my lunch and just sat up there.

Not many come up to the rooftops anymore when they heard a rumor that there's a ghost up here that if you interact with would make you jump off the building. I don't believe it. After lunch I had a free period so I laid down on the roof and took a nap. When I woke up, a guy was sitting next to me.

Hello, I'm Christopher, who are you? He had brown hair, and hazel eyes.

I'm Ryan.

You very pretty, but you shouldn't be sleeping up here.

I feel a little war at the complement but ignore it.

I fell asleep after lunch, I'll be heading to my next class now. I hope to see you again, bye

It was strange being complemented for my looks, I was 5'4, with a lean body, sorta like a swimmer, with light brown, shaggy hair and pale skin. I have a small nose and I guess you can say my skin was clean? My eyes where a pretty hazel, strange seeing as none of my parents or ancestors had hazel eyes.

As I walked out of the building and to the front of the school where i had to grab something real quick, All of the sudden, a man with a big dog came running at me, scared I took off running the other way.

To be continued

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