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Today I look at Myself
I say thank you!
But it's not enough
The pain that you went true!
The challenges that came to you!
The rest that you couldn't have!
Thank you it's not enough!

All I can think of is
How did you do it?
How did you manage?
How did you stay strong?
How did you keep your tears mama

Every day you woke up
Made sure we had Chai mama
You put fire on wood in the afternoon so we could have a plate of pap.
Every night you made sure we bath.
You alone mama showed us how to be grateful
You alone mama gave us education
You alone mama became Baba
How did you do it, mama?

All your dreams fade
You gave everything to us your children
You shelter us with your body as Baba would have.
You covered our wounds with your Rapa
A single Rapa that covers us from the cold
You gave us endless love
And show us the courage of Baba
You never showed weakness
You never showed you were sad
You never showed you were sick, mama

Every night we cried, You were there
Every time We fell you were there to give us courage
Every time we were sick, you were there to nurse us back to life
And mama always say" UNKULUNKULU is watching,
she always said "my children I am not alone and you are not,
Cause UNKULUNKULU never leave its children"

We looked into mama's eyes
She never had any doubts
She made the impossible, possible
We followed mama's words
We can still hear your shout in our ears
"Respect, don't make others suffer "
Just look up to UNKULUNKULU as UBaba.
Keep praying "the God who created the heaven and earth "
Keep the faith and believe
The word she left was simple read what UNKULUNKULU HAs GIVEN US
Thank you, Mama

Everyone talks about their Baba
We talked about our Mama
Crown black Queen
always showed the elegant walk
Her smile kept us strong
Her slap on our back woke us up
We learn to be who we are today cause of her
NKULUNKULU we thank you
For in trusting to us such a wonderful QUEEN
Mama always said Children work
Work hard and pray always
So that you may have a blessed life.

We wish you could be Here
To See your grandchild growing
Where ever you are you safe and you in peace mama
Surely you see us again.

Wish we showed you more love
Wish we could have helped to more
Wish we could have made your life much easier.
She always said" never complain
Cause UNKULUNKULU decided

We thank you UNKULUNKULU
Dear mama
Thank you for the endless love

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