Chapter 1 Join

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Dawn ran down the street rubble digging into her paws. She ran hard trying to get back to her pack faster. They were waiting for her since yesterday when she set off to hunt. The collie was tired after a hard day's run. His name was Twig due to his lanky frame from not eating a scrap of meat in days or even possibly weeks.

He was no more than a pup just barely six months old. Twig's pack had sent him on a hunt to find another dog who kept killing members of their pack. The Northern River Pack and the Ash Forest pack were constantly fighting over territory. The Ash Forests had their name since their territory had been burnt down by a forest fire just ten years previously.

  Twig would much rather be in his bed of leaves then be out this early hunting down one of their main threats. Twig doesn't even know why they sent him. Their was no way he could possibly fight the doberman. "I'm just fodder." Twig said to himself bitterly.

They sent him because they not only thought he was a waste of resources but he was disposable. Sometimes he hated his pack. Scratch that he hated them. He was a omega they were usually treated bad. But, his pack took it to the next level. Twig was constantly bite, picked on, his food was often stolen and he didn't get much.

  The alpha is supposed to be the most respected wolf in a pack. They are required to be brave, strong, a good leader, and compassionate. Hellflame was the opposite she didn't care about any of the other wolves not even her betas or mate. She didn't care to much about the killings of her pack wolves until it started to hurt the amount of hunters bringing her food.

After all that she had sent Twig who has despised due to being a omega to hunt Dawn down. Twig had run after her all day he was surprised he hadn't collapsed yet. His tongue was hanging out of his mouth as he panted. He was sure Dawn had caught wind of him by now by how she was running. Twig flopped down in the grass after a few more steps to rest.

He'd be punished for not killing her. The alpha knew it was a impossible job for him yet she would anyway. Hellflame was a cruel crazy wolf that liked to inflict pain onto others. Twig then got the idea he didn't have to go pack. No one would go looking for the omega anyways. No one cared about the mangy scrawny dog Twig.

Twig had only stayed with them for the hope that the pack might be better. But in his six months of living it had only gotten worse. Twig decided that he was gonna leave. He didn't know where he'd go. He didn't even know the first thing about hunting. But staying with his pack would probably leave him dead anyways.

Dawn darted into the cover of a bunch of long burnt down tree. They provided her cover it was also down wind so that Twig couldn't smell her. She knew she'd been followed ever since early that morning. She'd smelled him she'd run a lot but that didn't deter the pup. He was determined she'll give him that. The Northern River Pack was foolish to send a pup like that to hunt her.

Despite, lots of wolves thinking that they were better than dogs she'd killed lots of them. She was top hunter of her own pack. She'd been going out on a solo trip to try to find some food. Animals were getting harder to find with the fast approach at Winter coming soon. In face she could smell a hint of snow in the air.

Dawn crept forward slowly she might as well but the collie out of his own misery. Poor thing wouldn't last a day in Winter if he looked the way he did now. Twig yelped as someone landed on top of him. He looked up started to see the doberman he'd been following above him snarling. "Why'd they send you to attempt to kill me pup?" She asked generally curious.

"They don't care about me! I'm a omega they treat us lower than the dirt they walk on." Twig explained he was gonna be compliant. That was the best way to live even if by some people's standards cowardly. Twig had never been the bravest dog he'll admit that. He always did things to avoid trouble if possible.

"Alright, I'll give you one reason why I shouldn't kill you. Better make it good." Dawn said she glared at the pup making a shiver go up his spine. "I wouldn't be worth the effort. I mean look at me." Twig said sadly. Dawn felt a twinge of sympathy for the pup. He was right he was no threat she had no reason to kill him.

"Since you're pack clearly doesn't care about you. Follow me." Dawn said the pup followed after he shocked that he was still somehow alive. Dawn's alpha would decide what to do with him. Silver had a reputation for taking in any stray dogs or pack less wolves. He was a sweet old wolf he was called Silver due to his grey coat that appeared to shine in the sun.

"Where are we going?" Twig asked curiously. "No questions be quiet." Dawn growled. The pup laid his ears back against his head in a submissive act. Dawn rolled her eyes he really was a coward. She wasn't even a alpha just a hunter. She was just two ranks higher than him. The doberman also didn't believe in the whole roles thing. It was just their to obtain some kind of order.

The only thing it was good for was to tell what wolf or dog to do what. Most packs didn't accept dogs but hers did. Most of them were dogs actually. Lots of humans yearly dumped their pets on the side of the road and drove away. Dawn had heard the story a thousand times. She'd lived that story. She shook her head now wasn't the time to think about it. Wolves were declining because humans liked to shoot them. Dawn thought they were dreadful creatures.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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