DSMP History repeats itself

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most people would put tubbo as schlatt but Quackity is way more simular and Tubbo's nukes and need to protect his child makes him like wilbur plus tubbo like wilbur still misses lmanberg

Quackity starts being more controlling and wants to not have any threats to him.

This means Techno, Wilbur and Tubbo would be concidered threats

Tubbo works for Quackity but tubbo is still extremely independent and is noticing the simularities between quackity and schlatt causing him to quit because quackity was getting to controlling and got so angery when tubbo made mistakes.

Tubbo gets threatened by quackity that he will kill micheal if tubbo ever comes back to las nevadas

Tubbo calls upon his husband for a hand in this matter.

during tubbo and quackity's drama Ranboo starts hang out more with techno and he starts to hate government with a passion

He believes tubbo and tommy were forced to become soldiers in a losing battle by wilbur and that the government is why tubbo and tommy have issues and are on their final lives

Ranboos voices get worse as he hangs out around wilbur and quackity causing him to crave blood for the blood prince

There just loud around techno and phil

but calm around foolish and tubbo sometimes upset

Tommy during this time has calmed down and is coming to terms with his one life when he steps out for a while till ranboo imformes him that tubbo has gone mad and needs him to help him and tubbo blow up las nevedas

he agrees because quackity is acting like schlatt and is reminding him of dream

Wilbur joins them and starts providing materials for the nukes

Quackity tells wilbur the secrets of the revived book

Tommy second guesses himself and decides that he doesn't want to anymore and tries to convince tubbo to not blow up las nevadas

tubbo ends up breaking down because he misses old lmanberg and can't get it back and micheal would never be safe in this world which tears him apart

He detonates the nukes and asks tommy to kill him while tommy refuses tubbo pushes himself onto the sword

Ranboo and tommy leave with micheal and shroud and hide in the artic destrote over there bestfriend/husbands death.

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