Part 1

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It's hot, unbearably hot. You curse your father and his stupid truck that he gave you. Damn thing doesn't have a working AC. You've been driving through the middle of Nowhere, Texas for hours now, and you're starting to get tired of the heat and the boring scenery. You're sweating bullets, so when you finally stop and see that gas station, you take at a sign from above. You pull in to get something cold to drink and maybe get a little taste of some working air conditioning.

The little gas station is by no means clean, but it's homey and feels comforting for some reason. A little bell jingles as you walk in. A lady's voice calls out from the back of the shop.

"Just a sec hun! I'll be right with ya!"

You wander around for bit, eyeing the refrigerated section. You grab a coke and two water bottles for the road. You place them on the counter and wait for someone to cash you out. A shuffling noise and someone- presumably the woman- drift from the behind the counter and past the open door to the back area of the shop. You try not to eavesdrop, but you pick a few words anyway.

"... by the snack section... careful Thomas!"

More shuffling, then heavy footsteps. You watch in awe as this giant beast of a man, carrying five large boxes stacked on top of each other, lumbers out of the back room. A small, older woman follows behind. The largest man you've ever seen gives you a look as he passes by, and at a closer look, you notice he's wearing a mask to cover his nose and mouth. You don't have time to ponder why before the older woman gets to the counter.

"Sorry for your wait! This all for ya?"

"Oh no worries!" You say, hoping to appear friendly.

"Oh, you're looking awfully flushed! You alright dear?" the lady asks. You then realized that you walked sweaty and grosser than you ever been.

"Oh I'm fine! It's just this heat, I've been driving without AC for a while. I guess Texas summers never get any cooler." The lady in front of you gives you a little look, like a disapproving mother would.

"You better be careful, you could get a bad heatstroke out here. You better get that AC fixed!" You laugh and before you can respond, a loud crash interrupts the conversation, followed by a very annoyed sounding grunt.

You turn around to a mess of snacks and shelf on the ground. The man who gave you a look stands beside it, still holding those massive boxes. The old lady behind the counter tsk's.

"I told ya to be careful Tommy!" The man gives another annoyed grunt. You chuckle and leave the counter to help the poor man out.

"Here, let me get this," you say. You lift the now empty shelf back to it's position and take few boxes from the man, Thomas', arms. He stands, looking a little shocked, as you set them off to the side and start picking up the snacks that are scattered around. "Thomas, right?" He gives a little nod, and bends down to help you.

"You alright? I hope you didn't hurt yourself," you muttered. Thomas shakes his head. You give him your name and a small smile, which he doesn't return, but his eyes look a little less menacing.

"Ah, that's my son, Thomas. He gives me a little help around the store when he's not droppin' things. He's a little quiet, but he's still a sweetheart," the lady behind counter says, "thank you for your help!"

"No problem ma'am!" Getting up, you turn the lady and offer your name. She gives a little gasp.

"Oh how rude of me! I'm Luda Mae, sorry for not introducin' myself earlier. I'm a little scatterbrained you see," she chuckles, "which reminds me, I have an important call to make. I'll be back in just a sec!" Luda Mae turns and heads to the back room.

You turn back to see the snacks all arranged and no longer all over the floor. Thomas grunts and gets up, dusting off his pants.

"You're pretty quick!" you say. Thomas shrugs a little. "I hope I didn't freak you out earlier. Just wanted to help out a little." He shakes his head, and motions for you to follow him. He leads you up to the counter and starts to ring up your stuff.

You hear Luda Mae arguing with someone over the phone in the back. She sounds a little agitated. You're brought back by Thomas handing your bag of drinks to you.

"How much do I owe you?" Thomas just shakes his head. "Oh please, I'm not leaving until I pay," you argue. Thomas just shoves the bag closer to you and shakes his head again. You roll your eyes and smirk.

"Fine, but if your mamma beats your hide, it ain't my fault!" you say, and you swear you see Thomas grin. He turns to go to the back, and you sneak a ten onto the counter by the register.

As you leave the homey little gas station, you notice a car parked right next to your dingy little truck. There's a man inspecting the poor thing, as if it's gonna start up and drive away on its own. Then you realize, the car next to yours is a Sheriff's vehicle.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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