1. The summit of Apocrypha

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    Rikki opened his eyes, his pupils dilating from the shadowy scheme of Hermaeus Mora's dimension. Looking around, he sighed, noticing the obvious lack of his... uh... Teldryn Sero. He inhaled and pulled out his two ebony war axes. He crouched, staring directly at the green mist which was a seeker in disguise. Rikki successfully rolled past it, but in the process... rolled right into a Lurker that he was too distracted to notice. "Shit." The being roared, before throwing its claws around aimlessly. "Alright, let's dance!" Rikki was smiling, the thought of a Lurker dancing was hilarious. A few quick slashes was all it took, and the beast was downed. Rikki struck a sassy pose as he stared down at the corpse infront of him. "Pfff... at this point, I might as well jus-" Rikki was caught off by a hissing sound behind him. "Oh, right." He turned around to see three seekers behind him. "Well, well, well, if it i-" One of the seekers threw a ball of... pain at him. "GAH, FUCK. YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT WITH... wait why am I talking to you, you can't even.. oh nevermind." Rikki chose a random one and continuously slashed at it with his war axes. Wrong one. "Welp." He glared over at another one. They were floating back while throwing several pain-balls at him, clearly panicked. He threw his war axes at the figure, pulling out his bow. "Pew, throw, choo!" Rikki made sound effects as he shot arrows at the being.  It was dead, and the other dissapeared. "Jeez, that was way harder than it needed to be." He look at the Scrye. "Here we go..."

Le time skippy skip~~

   "Sahlokniir! Are you so easily swayed?" Miraak spoke with a tone of amusement in his voice. The two dragons behind him began to stir, stepping forward. Miraak put one of his hands out in halting motion. "Not yet, let's greet our guest first." Rikki jumped off of the dragon before it seven landed, striking a superhero pose on the ground. He stood up and dusted himself off. "So the first dragonborn meets the last dragonborn at the summit of-" Miraak stopped. "...what...?" Rikki was really confused. "You... you're wearing HIDE ARMOR right now... do you seriously think..." Miraak stopped himself again and chuckled. "Oh, don't even, Mr. SquidFace, I came here to kill you and I'd prefer to do it SOONER." Miraak silenced his laughter. "Why the haste, Dragonborn? Can we not delay the inevitable?" Rikki smiled. "Well, it's your choice if you want to die sooner or not, I guess." Miraak clenched his fists. "That's not what i- oh for the love of Akatosh- NOW!" His dragons flew into the air, now circling the mass of land where their battle would take place. The battle that decides the fate of Solstheim. This was a death or glory mission to Rikki, and it was a mission he did not want to put off. "Aight, bestie, let's tango!" Miraak pulled out his staff and sword, ignoring the fact that the dragonborn of this age just called him 'bestie'. 

Again, the time skip takes place~~

    They were both tired and low on health, Rikki was out of options. He had resorted to having a healing spell in his left hand, and an ebony war axe in his right. Miraak fled back to the center of the giant land mass, making Rikki groan with frustration. But to Rikki's surprise, he noticed eyes appearing around the battlefield. Miraak, however, didn't. "Alright, Forestblade! Let's do this one last-" His speech was silenced by a blade impaling him from behind, at least he thought it was a blade. "Did you think you could escape me, Miraak?" As the voice boomed, every inch of Rikki's body filled with dread. "You can hide nothing from me here!" He knew he was on Hermaeus Mora's side, but something about this situation made him nervous. Despite his enemy in the process of falling, he feared for his own life. "No matter. I have found a new Dragonborn to serve me." You could see blood ooze from under Miraak's mask, something Rikki should be used to. "May he... be rewarded for his service as I am!" Miraak struggled through his sentence, the was a burning sensation throughout his entire body. Rikki just stood there, thinking about what Miraak said. 'If this is a reward, I don't think I want to be rewarded'. Just then, all of the daedric lord's eyes turned to him. Rikki was still just standing there like an idiot as his nemesis turned to bone. There were no screams of agony, just... accepting silence. The lifeless skeleton hit the ground with a crack. Hermaeus Mora started a speech on how proud they were of Rikki's accomplishments, but they noticed their champion wasnt listening. They decided to just leave. Rikki walked up to the pile of robes and bones. "Un-holy.. shit." He looked at the black book on it's pedestal. "That is some unholy shit right there."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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