True and the Sneezy Sniffles

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True woke up. She felt absolutely miserable.

"Mommy, daddy?" *cough cough cough cough*

Courage and Faith came in.

"What is it hun?" asked Faith

"I feel super sick" *cough cough*

Faith feels True's forehead.

"Hmm, yeah you are pretty hot. Honey, get the thermometer."

Courage went and got a thermometer.

"Ok, now put this under your tongue."


"Ok, uh, 101. Yep, your definately staying home."

"Awwwwww, but I wanted to play today!" True whined

"Sorry, but you gotta say in bed, ok honey? I'll call a doctor." said Faith

True's parents went downstairs. Bartleby jumped on True's bed.

"You ok True?"

"No B. I'm si-i-i-ACHOO! *SNIFF* I'm sick."

"I'm sorry True! Is there anything I can do?"

"Could you hand me the remote?"


True turned on Disney+, and began watching this show she found called The Ghost and Molly Mcgee. Bartleby watched with her.

"I like this Scratch guy. He's cool." said Bartleby

"Yeah I like it too." said True

True's parents walk in with a human doctor. He is old with a rainbow tie.

"Hey! Are you True?"

"Uh huh."

"Why hello! My name is Dr.Thompson. Mommy and daddy tell me you're sick."

"Mhm. It sucks!"

"Well, I'll try to make you feel better then!"


He pulls out a stethesoscope.

Now, I'll need you to take off your nightgown real quick, so I can check your breathing.

Courage sat on the opposite side of the bed from the doctor, just to make absoulutely sure he didn't try anything.

Of course, he didn't.

"Ok, breathe in."


"Breathe out."


"Breathe in"


"Breathe out."


"Now, turn around so I can listen to your back."

True turns around.

"Breathe in."


"Breathe out."


"Breathe in"


"Breathe out."


"Good job! Now, I'll just check your eyes and ears real quick."

True and the Sneezy SnifflesWhere stories live. Discover now