*~ Who Are You EnderChild? ~*

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"Ey-..hey mate!"

I awoke in the forest to a winged man towering over me, I gripped my forehead and groaned in pain. Why can't I remember what happened..? Where was I? who is this..?

I sat up and looked at the man, "wha-? Who are you? who am I? Wha- where am I..?" I sat up and looked down at myself. One of my hands were black and the other was white, I had a tail trailing behind me that was flicking rapidly.

I was also..well dressed? I had a pin with a green eye on the knot of my purple tie, and a large coat over a blazer with coattails near my thigh.

"I knew you had a bad memory but you really don't know anything?" He held out a hand to pick me up off the floor. "So no name strikes a nerve? Tommy,techno,Phil,sap-nap,
dream-" he counted with his fingers,I shot my head up from the floor "the last two!- I think" I herd them before,but my memory was fuzzy and hurt to think.

"Not even tubbo or ranboo?" The man wrapped his arm around my shoulder and started walking me through the forest I woke up in, I had many questions- and so did he. I snapped out my thoughts and looked to the man shaking my head no.

"What the hell happened to you?" I heard him mumble, it was starting to get dark, the winged man sat me on a tree stump after walking for a while, he stood off to the side and took out a radio. It was too muffled to hear what he was saying.

I examined myself, I reached into a bag I didn't know I had and grabbed a book, flipping through pages. I started coming across warnings, 'don't do it, don't turn the page. For your safety ranboo.' I flipped the page, there laid a smile sprawled out the book, filling up two pages.

I grunted and gripped my hair, I herd the book fall to the ground, suddenly everything went black.. is that music I hear?

I sat down, I looked around, everything was dark except for small purple lights from glowing purple veins in the ceiling and walls. Tears streamed down my face and it burned to cry, i hiss and shrilled in pain, I wiped them from my face and it sunk and burnt my hand.

I couldn't feel anything, I was so distracted and confused by what what happening.-

<\ Phil's POV />

I split from ranboo to talk on the comm, this was bad- like really bad,I went to get supplies from a nearby village and I'm coming back with another mouth to feed?

"Techno? Tubbo? Sam? Anyone on?!" I tried to stay calm but I could feel I was a bit panicked, I was relieved when I heard a voice chime back, "Phil what's wrong?" It was fundy, I heard tubbo and Tommy laughing in the background, "get sam or techno- it's a kid in the forest -ranboo." The laughter stopped and the intercom bugged out and changed channels, best to save battery anyway.I felt small raindrops on my battered wings and coat.

"Ranboo it's starting to storm get over here- ranboo?" I looked back to see ranboo walking off, he looked hunched back as he walked and taller, the boy was tall but it might've been the perspective.

I shuffled over to the clearing he had wondered off to.
"Where are you goin-" I saw him look back, his pants started to bust at the knees and the blazer was torn. He had glowing purple eyes and particles around him, not to mention the white faded to black

"Awh shit-" I mumbled and looked to the floor, he seemed to be gazing at flowers. That was until the Rain heaved. He screeched in pain and started teleporting everywhere, the dots of rain stained his skin with red burn marks.

I flicked on the comm and yelled into the mic "I'll send you my cords! Come quick, bring whoever deems useful!" I was running after the enderkid, hitting branches and other wind shit. I drew back my bow with a poison tainted arrow and- hit!

I saw as he let out a shrill hiss and came back to his black and white self. He was still burning in the rain so I dragged him under a spruce tree.

I slid the arrow out his shin, taking off his tie to wrap the wound, I used my wing as an umbrella, holding the limp boy to my side.

'Who is he and where did he come from?'

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