Tira Starts Answering Their Questions!!!!

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Tira POV

Sarah held the pendulum over her right palm and took a deep breath in. I was prepared for her to shout because, you know, they're hella loud but instead her head dives right next to the crystal and she whispers hella quiet.

"Show me yes." The pendulum started moving forward and back and I was instantly interested.

"Did you do that?!" Eitan asked staring in fascination. Sarah shook her head with a big smile.


I stared at Sarah's hand as she asked what "No" was and it wasn't moving at all, not even a micrometer! At this point everyones heads were touching and I had to make the uncomfortable choice of choosing what to phase through...

Which was Sarah's palm from the ground up.

"Is there a spirit with us?" The pendulum basically started nodding and everyone 'ooh'ed'.

"Hi spirit, are you a boy or a girl?" It didn't move at all and my head tilted in confusion. Why isn't it moving?

"Oops! Um, are you a girl?" It didn't move.

"Wow, I'm a girl! Why aren't you answering pendulum?" It was silent.

"Maybe they're shy?" Phil asked.

"Fine, I'll move you myself." I made the pendulum nod and they all started smiling and talking about what questions to ask me. I guess I have to move the pendulum now since it's being an Emma and Norman pre-Connie.

"Do you know Phil?!" Johnathan asked. I had the pendulum nod.

"Where?! How?!" Johnathan asked excited.

"It has to be yes or no questions. I don't have my board with me but I'll bring it tomorrow."

"Can I ask them any question?" Eitan asked. Sarah nodded with a big smile.

"Then..." everyone turned to look at Phil.

"Do I know you?"

Third POV

The pendulum nodded again and everyone freaked in excitement.

"How?" Phil whispered. He couldn't remember. There wasn't anyone that died that he knew besides for Connie and his other brothers and sisters that he probably couldn't remember too well, but that was over in the demon world. Would their spirits be over here? Or would they be over in the demon world since that's where they died?

"Are you... from here?" Phil asked trying not to sound suspicious. It immediately shook its head and Phil's eyes widened. It had to be someone from Grace Field!

"Ooooh! Are you a foreigner from another country?" Eitan asked. It shook no.


'Please don't say another city!' Tira begged in her head.

"Another world?!" Johnathan, Eitan, and Sarah exclaimed at once. Tira blinked.

How the hell did they guess that?

And what should she say?

Phil also didn't know. It wasn't like anyone told him that the demon world had to be a secret, but was it obvious enough that it had to be secret?

The pendulum started swinging diagonally and Sarah tilted her head.

"Maybe?" It shook no.

"You can't tell us?" It shook yes.

"They're a spy!" Johnathan shouted, standing up and pointing at the pendulum. Phil sighed in relief. There was no way this was Connie, she most likely would have said yes.

But then who was it? Anyways, he knew he had to asked Emma, Norman, Ray, and Mama about this question.

"Are you the missing person from my memories?" Phil asked seriously, eyes fixed on the pendulum. It shook yes and Phil dived right next to the pendulum, shocking the other three.

"What happened?! No, wait, did you help us? Since before Emma, Norman, and Ray?" It nodded yes again. Johnathan, Eitan, and Sarah looked at each other confused.

"Then... do you know Kieran?"


A/N: OMKKKKK I FORGOT TO GET STARTED ON THE CHAPPY EARLIER!!!! But don't worry I SPED wrote this so hopefully that doesn't show TMT hopefully it's good...... but anyways damn, Tira is out here putting in the work! And do you guys think that it's okay for Phil and everyone else to talk about the demon world??? Make sure to vote, comment, add, share, and follow to see what Tira answers to that last question!!!!!! Bye till next week~~~~~~

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