Year 1 ~ Rose

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I stumble as I work my way up the train steps. My father's words keep echoing in the back of my head. "Not too nice" "Never forgive you" I knew he was joking but sometimes his jokes were frustrating. I could be as mean or as nice as to anyone I pleased and Granddad would forgive me for killing the muggles' pope. These are the thoughts that fill my head as I trip and fall flat on my face.

"Oh Merlin, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you, oh my, are you-" I look up, dazed, at the rambling blond. He keeps sputtering out apologies, makes no moves to help me up.

"Don't worry, I can get up my-"

"Oh no, don't move, you might have a concussion" the blond says hurriedly as I start sitting up.

"Really, I think I'm fi-"

"Rose?" I hear from behind the platinum blond. I recognize my cousin Albus's voice.

"Yeah Al, I'm fine," I say "Just tripped."

"She hit her head, I don't know if she's okay. She might have a concussion." The blond says to Albus, who frowns.

"Well, let's get her up and we'll take her to the infirmary when we get to school."

They help me up and I finally get a good look at the blond. I recognize him as the boy my father pointed out to me on the platform. Oh, this is going to be fun. I think to myself slyly. The best way to become friends with someone usually involve head injuries anyways, right?


Halloween is right around the corner and the castle is jumping. I stop in front of the mirror and adjust my lovely red and gold tie. I feel great as I skip down the hall towards breakfast. I skip, trip, and fall right into the arms into my best friend. Or at least, I would've if he caught me. I laugh as I get out of the tangled mess that is me and Scorpius.

"Scorp!" I giggle as we sit up.

"Rose!" He exclaims back. We giggle together as we head towards breakfast together.


"I don't know if it's a good idea..." Scorpius mumbles while playing with his robes.

"What kind of Gryffindor are you?!" Albus exclaims, "You need to get off your ass and grab life by the balls!"

"Uhh what?" Scorpius asked genuinely confused.

"Its okay Scorp, it's just one family dinner with the Potter/Weasley clan, you'll be fine" I reassure him, completely ignoring Al. "We're all best friends, and they accept that. You have nothing to be worried about."


"More potatoes, Scorpius?" Mum asks politely as she takes them from James.

"No, thank you, Mrs. Weasley." Scorp replies with his face focused on his plate, staring at his roast beef like it might move... With Aunt Ginny's cooking it just might.

Uncle Harry stares at him intensely before speaking up.

"So how's your dad, Scorpius?" He asks carefully.

"Oh, Dad's good. Him and Mum are in Paris while I'm here. I should have an owl from him by morning." Scorpius said, now looking at his peas.

Uncle George laughs, a good hearty one from the belly. He gets up to take his plate to the sink and slaps Scorp on the back.

"Loosen up mate, we're not going to bite... Well Teddy might." He says with a wink. Across the table, Teddy gives a shy wave. Scorpius chuckles and I know from his face he's going to lighten up.


The weather is lovely and the warm breeze feels amazing on my back. I'm sitting on the grass near the Black Lake. The squid is splashing around and seems to be enjoying the weather. I feel someone plop down next to me and see Scorp. We sit and enjoy the weather.


"Owl me everyday!" Scorp exclaims as the train stops.

"Even the days you're over?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Yes, I'll need something to read while I eat my breakfast!" He laughs as if it should be obvious.

"Of course, dear cousin, how dense can you get!" Al says with a chuckle.

"Of course! Why what was I thinking with such a ridiculous question!" We laugh together as we walk off the train towards are families. When we get to the point of separate ways we wave each other off. I turn to my parents with thoughts of summer and friends.

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