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When he came home from school, Orbii was already in the bedroom.

"Where were you?" Orbii asked as Oorbo came in,

Oorbo got on the top bunk and layed sideways with one arm hanging from the bed. He looked up at the ceiling and sighed.

"What's wrong..?" Orbii asked.

Oorbo grumbled.

"What happened?" Orbii asked, looking up at him.

"I only asked for her name, but just as I was talking to her, I froze again and then suddenly had to...backfire. I left in a hurry and she probably laughed at me behind my back... I made a fool of myself!"

"Woah woah, slow down! Who are you talking about?"

"Orianna! The girl I met in HTT class."

"Did you just meet her?"


"Hey now, don't kick yourself. It seems that you were having a nervous breakdown, but being nervous is normal. I do think that some of that was just you overreacting though. Just try to stay calm and don't worry so much about what she has to say, ok?" Orbii said.

"...Ok..." Oorbo whispered meekly.

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