445 13 3

wordcount : 1020
TW : <3
CW : general not eating ??

I stared at Nick, his knees were bouncing, legs crossed, Dream rested a blanket over his shoulders, he flinched at the sudden movement. Dream said he's been like this since they went to the hospital.
"Pandas.. want to go on a walk?" Dream asked, he shakes his head, Dream nods, Patches jumped out of Karl's arms and lays in Nick's legs. He takes a deep breath before calming in the cats touch, he strokes her face slowly.
"How about we make a cake or something?" Karl asked, trying to find something to cheer Nick up. He didn't seem any happier,

"Want to play on the Xbox?" I asked, he shakes his head and continued to play with Patches.

"What do you want to do?" Quackity asked, Nick ignored the question, keeping his head down. Karl sighed and we all looked at Dream.
"Want to talk about anything?" he shakes his head again, Dream takes a deep breath.
"I'm sorry we took you there but we had to," Dream said sitting by Nick.
"Nick? Let's do something? The next few days you're going to be talking to people to get you home, don't you want to do something fun here while your with us?" he nods slowly.
"Good.. Any ideas?" he shakes his head,
"How about we..."
"We could go iceskating? The rink isn't far?" Quackity asked,
"Like that idea Pandas?" Dream asked, he hummed. He didn't seem excited or at all enthusiastic.

"You look tired," Karl says to Nick, he hums quietly, he looked sick to his stomach and his eyes were clearly heavy, he dragged his feet on the concrete. His head stayed down and he arm crossed at his chest in much more of a passive way over aggressive.
"Have you skated before?" Dream asked, were all holding our skates, Dream carried a pair of his old ones, they still probably would be a bit bit on Nick but close enough. He shakes his head, we're pretty close to the rink now, it was the only fun thing in walking distance from any of our houses.

"One, two, One two. Come to me," Karl says holding out his arms for Nick who was clearly struggling, I laugh as he tripped over their over his own feet, not falling as a first.
"A few more feet!" Quackity shouted skating around the empty rink, Nick giggled and held his arms forwards towards Karl. Karl decided to give up and skate the rest of the way to Pandas, he grabbed his elbows and twirling him around along with himself. Nick laughed. His laugh was quiet yet so precious.
"Come here Nick, i'll help you!" Quackity says holding his arms out as Dream and I turn to skate in the other direction.

"Dream?" I asked, grabbing onto the rink wall, he j  hm skated towards me, he hummed,
"whats up?"
"I like there being 5 of us.. I like having Nick here, I really want him to stay - I just want to talk to him when he feels... normal?"
"He misses his parents. It's probably been years, George. We could probably visit him or he could come here on holidays?"
I hum and look over at them.
"Nick!" Karl says laughing as he tumbles over and falls onto Nick's legs, back first. I didn't see Nick fall but Quackity stood over them laughing. But he wasn't laughing like Karl and Quackity, Dream quickly skated towards the boys helping Karl up and then I noticed the tears in Nick's eyes. He wasn't in pain just panicked by the sudden touch.

"Did I hurt you?" Karl says holding his hand out to help him up, he shook his head. Dream slid down and sat by Nick, rubbing his back. I stood back with Quackity as usual, we knew he was least comfortable with either of us. He presses his hand against the ice, not to stand, i'm not sure why he does it but he then wipes his eyes with his cold hands.
"Come on, lets get going, Pandas?" he whined and didn't say anything.
"We can go back home, i'll put on a movie?" Dream says trying to convince once again. He finally gives in and tries to pull himself up, Dream stands and pulls Nick up with him.
"Hold on, skate out of the rink with me," he says taking both of the smaller boys hands.

"We're going to go home now.. probably better if you guys all did something else?" we nod. Karl puts his hand out for a high five from Nick who was standing shyly by Dream, with his head down. He reaches his hand to rest on Karl's before he eventually pulls away.
"Bye Pandas," Karl says.
"Bye, I hope you feel better," he nodded quietly.

"He didn't eat breakfast did he?" Karl asked, I only shrugged in return, he kept rolled onto his side, still facing us.
"My Mum said he was probably sold as a sex slave," Quackity intrudes, clearly not taking the hint we were scared.
"Shutup! He has a Mum! She is probably scared out of her mind! He was kidnapped!" Karl shouts back. Quackity puts his head down, now definitely understanding.
"She probably moved on Karl, it's been years.." he mumbled, I could sense Karl wanting to punch him, mainly because I did.
"Don't say that. He has people waiting for him, he will be safe when he goes home,"
"Your getting on my last nerve and—"
"Alright! I'm sorry! I just.. I don't want him to
go, I think him and Dream are too close for him to just get up and leave,"

I decided to text Dream on discord off my laptop, while the boys played Minecraft on my xbox .

hey :))
is nick ok

he is asleep now
he spent the last couple hours crying in his room, wouldn't say a word
he hasn't eaten today
well he only had a few pretzels.
mum said to give him time but its weird
also his mum is going to come soon.

we could do something special to say bye
like a present???

yeah good idea
gtg. i can hear him crying
talk later bue

so sorry!! i try to get these out quick just been busy and gave myself a minimum of 1000 words per chapter x

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