Withheld Surprise

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Ran x Takemichi x Rindou

Takemichi comes home from work late and refuses to tell Ran and Rindou why.

Begging, Orgasm Denial, Rough Kissing, Biting, Surprises, Dubious Consent


The harsh winter cold bit at his rosy cheeks while he fumbled with the keys to his apartment, finally finding the right one, he pushed it into the lock and turned. When he opened the door, all the lights were off. He found this strange, usually Ran and Rindou would be waiting for him when he got home from work unless of course, they were busy with Bonten. But he was sure they said they were free tonight.

He sighed and turned to close the door behind him but before he could, a pair of arms wrapped around him, pulling him close to their chest. Another closed the door and Takemichi was in darkness.

"R-Ran? Rindou? God please tell me that's you," Takemichi asked, fearful.

A light flicked on and he saw Ran, which meant, he looked up and saw Rindou's face, Rindou was holding him. Takemichi laughed lightly, glad he wasn't being kidnapped but some gang that was enemies of Bonten and it was just his boyfriends.

"You guys don't have to greet me that way. It's kinda scary y'know."

Ran's eyes remained on him, staring, and Rindou, hadn't even made a joke or teased him. His smile dropped.

"Ran, Rin? Is everything alright? Did something happen today?"

"Why are you late?" Rindou asked bluntly, his chest rumbling against Takemichi's back.

"You finish work at 5, taking into account traffic at the hour, you should be home no later than 6. It's 7:30." Ran added, his dull purple eyes boring into Takemichi.

His eyes widened. Was it that late? He didn't think he spent that long talking with Sanzu.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I stayed behind to clean afterwards. I was so focused on that, I didn't even think to text you guys. I'm sorry," he wasn't 100% lying, he really should have texted them saying he would be home late.

"Takemichi," the way Rindou said his name felt cold and sent a pain to his chest, "you work at a coffee shop. You clean religiously throughout the day so that it's spotless by the end." One of Rindou's hands trailed up his chest and suddenly squeezed his right nipple harshly, not even in the way that would feel good, it hurt and tears sprung in Takemichi's eyes.

"So why the fuck are you lying to us?"

"I-" he couldn't even get any words out. He just couldn't tell them the truth. It would ruin everything.

His heartbeat quickened when Ran closed the distance between them.

"Who were you with?"

"I wasn't with anyone!" Takemichi exclaimed, trying to free himself from Rindou's bruising grip.

Ran leaned closer, their faces inches apart, magenta stared through blue, and he whispered, "I know you're lying."

Suddenly he was in the air, Rindou had thrown him over his shoulder and was carrying him to the bedroom. He was chucked on the bed but before he could even bounce from the momentum, he was pinned down by four hands. Four hands that were touching him everywhere. Ran grabbed his face harshly and kissed him. It was rough, it wasn't sweet. It was bruising, and when Ran bit down on his bottom lip he cried out.

Rindou had pulled his trousers down halfway and was ghosting his fingers around Takemichi's dick.

"Who were you with Takemichi?" Rindou repeated his brother's words.

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