~Ghost Marriage(Part 3)~

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<One above is what Finn Was given to wear, yes that was in July it looks so good~>

<Now Loading Event...Complete!>

//Act 3: "Honesty"//

[Honesty: the quality or fact of being honest; uprightness and fairness. truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness. freedom from deceit or fraud.]

<Oops.. I did it again, I forgot to update this... here's the event chapter then~ and i have returned~~~>

<And hint hint, we might find out what Finn likes in a person but to remind you all, this isn't part of the main story line~~>

<Long chapter ahead, so grab you popcorn and drinks.>


As Idia and Finn were having a conversation inside of the campus as both were stuck in the same position.
ever wondered what happened before Finn was taken away? Let's find out and what did Eliza Mean by Judgement? Find out in this Chapter as we see how our Gentlemen would approach Our Princess and what will Finn's role would be? Lets get on with the chapter shall~


In the sports Field, the Boys and Crowley started to initiate a plan on how to save Finn and Idia from Eliza, The Ghost Bride.

"How about we try discussing with the bride? I'll set up a banquet for this! Explain to her about our situation, then have her to release Idia!"

Kalim suggested with a smile plastered on his face,

"It's a perfect plan,  Roi D'Or!... But is it really that easy to persuade a bride who has been finding her ideal groom for such a long time? If it was me, I wouldn't let go of the person that I love."

Rook said as he crosses his arms while looking at all of them.

"Then we'll just have to let her understand by force." <Leona>

"It's because we can't do that, that's why we all came here for  refuge. Have you forgotten that" <Vil>

"Yes indeed, there's no way we could defeat those ghosts. In other words, stepping inside the territory of the enemy is a very troublesome thing, we have to avoid battle as much as possible."

<Ya really jinx yourself there sir..>

Crowley informed them, which made Lilia think for a moment until he has gotten an idea as he shared it with the group.

"Sam is very detailed in these kinds of spiritual things. Should we discuss with him?"

"Sam... You mean, who's working at the school store?"

Deuce asked Lilia, which the latter replied to his question.

"That's right. I'm quite familiar with his great great grandfather."

"Lilia, you would always say something that makes us confused whether you are telling the truth or just joking around."

Cater said as he sweat drops at Lilia.


"Hey, Headmaster and Little Guys~ You bring quite a lot of people today, what are your requests today?... just kidding, I already knew it. It's about the ghost bride right?"

Sam said with a smirk while looking at them,

"You get the point way too fast. It's like you already knew that we will come here." <Riddle>

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