As the sun arose amongst the shadowy depression filled melancholic town, Taylor swift and Archie short are eating garlic bread on top of Tesco. Archie dips his hand into the creamy garlic bread, he likes the feeling he said to Taylor. She looks back at him and says, I would do anything to cream in your mario set. He pauses. You can come to mine right now if you would like! Filled with excitement Taylor jumps but accidentally falls off Tesco into the disabled parking. As she lays there a Fiat 500 full speed crushes her bones. As she is screaming her last words out comes Jennifer Martin. She puts a Poundland coupon on her resting soul to show her apologies. Archie confused with no lover approaches
her as she walks through Tesco doors but is stopped my Mrs Irvine who is smoking a spliff in a fisher price toy car. WHERE ARE YOU GOUNG BOY?!?! She yells. Archie loses Jennifer! Some time passed, Jennifer is driving around in her creamy fiat 500 with Ollie parekh, Elton John, Abbie lee Miller and Millie Bobby brown. Milly creams and cry's because Elton is next to her. KILL THE FAGS she yells. Elton is sad that he is being hate crimef so he shoves a breadstick up her bum. As they causally drive a thumping is being heard from the roof of the car. Millie sticks her head out the window and looks up. To her surprise she sees frankie grande in a rainbow thong. He takes his long rainbow dildo and beheads her and eats her ears. He flus off into the distance and donates her head to Hillary Clinton to contribute to her face collection. Jennifer is in disbelief aswell as Ollie and Elton John. They head to b and m to get some nail clippers for her crusty toes. She feels a heavy trolley kapout up her bum. She turned around only to see Archie himself. You killed Taylor and I want my revenge DONT WE BOYS. Toby bus gay and Lucas prapoedku chant as they start to attack Jennifer with paint rollers. She crus and screams but she is next to a red button. She forces her mouth into the red button and presses down. As the alarms sound a worker is coming over to help Jennifer. It's Laura Newbury. She try's to help but just starts crying due to the lack of peace in this world. And calls over her co worker Elizabeth berg. She starts screaming and threatens the three bad boys that she will get her uncle hitler on them. They run out of the shop and cry into the distance. Good work Laura says tk elizabeth, but we must get Jennifer to hospital. I'm putting Ollie in charge of the fiat. They drive to tralisk hospital but are alarmed when a squirrel jumps into the road. The cat FLIPS AND TUMBLES AND CREAMS EVERYWHERE. They get flown into the earths atmosphere but luckily come back down due to the containment of Jennifer. When they land they come crashing through a window. It's Jefferson sharts house. Miss Martin crus and pushes a cat out of her vagina due to never. Jeffrey shouts never fear! My friend will know what to do. Shane Dawson appears and shoves the cat up his bum. I will be taking this lovely one. They all cheer and crowd around for dinner at Jeffers. It's Taco Bell. Theres a knock. Elton answers jt and it's Trisha paygab. Miss Martin screams no body wants you hear you trashy white whore! She crus and leaves and they carry on eating their Taco Bell till they shart themselves to death.
jennifer and the missing fiat
Teen FictionThis story is very heart warming and upsetting to some readers.