Narrator : we pick up to see Izuku walking into his dad's dojo to see his dad to talking to a man who he did not recognize as he whent in the locker rooms, got out of his school clothes got into his training clothes and went out to the training field. As Kirito waves him over.
Kirito : Izuku I'd like you to fight against me.
Izuku : Okay ! *Grabs practice sword.*
Kirito : Izuku were not using practice swords this time. * Tosses Izuku his real sword. *
Izuku : *catches his sword * Why ?
Kirito : I have nothing to teach you so *pulls out his swords * consider this your final exam for me.
Narrator : As Izuku changed his sword into the buster sword as they began as the clash between Father and son commenced at as Izuku was striking harder and faster than he ever did with the Buster sword as for awhile it seemed to be in a stale mate as a green arua around the buster sword As Izuku dragged the buster sword on the ground and swinging upwards as a Slash of energy gets sent towards Kirito.
Narrator : Kirito was sent down as Kirito admitted defeat. Izuku helps his father up as the man from earlier came out of nowhere
Kirito : Izuku it's time for me to introduce you to Qrow Branwen . He's intrested being your quirk tutor till you get into Ua.
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Izuku : Really thanks! *1,000,000 watt smile.*
Kirito :
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Qrow :
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